New Articles

  1. Default Restricted Access Page HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Login . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. You do not have access to view this content. ...
  2. Default 404 Error Page HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > 404 Error Page . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. Uh oh! ...
  3. Default Login HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Login Page . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. This is the default html for the Login Page. Default HTML to add a log...
  4. Default Article HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Article . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. [article(" title ")] ...
  5. Default Top Navigation HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Top Navigation . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. [template(" slideout-left-toggle ")] [template(" project-lo...
  6. Default Body HTML

    This is the default HTML for the Body. You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state.
  7. Default Homepage HTML

    Use this HTML to take your homepage back to its default state.
  8. Default Homepage Article HTML (deprecated)

    For knowledge bases created before 14 December 2022, here's the default HTML in the top-level Homepage content editor.
  9. Image upload errors

    Got an image that keeps erroring when you try to upload it? Learn what might be causing the errors and how to resolve them.
  10. Find a file's URL

    Learn how to find and copy the URL of a specific file within the File Library.