New Articles

  1. Webhooks overview and creation

    Learn what webhooks are and how to create an API webhook.
  2. Change the background image on my homepage

    Does your knowledge base already have a banner or background image? Follow these instructions to change it.
  3. Display a back to top icon when scrolling

    Learn how to add a back to top arrow to your knowledge base.
  4. August 18, 2017

    Feature Requests Allow authors to log in using Google Allow readers to sign up and log in using a Google account Bug Fixes Last Updated date disappeared from search results. Blog style categories weren't properly linked in the table of conte...
  5. August 8, 2017

    Upgrades to the new editor (highlights) URL detection while typing Improved pasting from Word and Excel Add trademark character to special characters plugin Enable pasting images in Safari from the clipboard Add a new line after/before the las...
  6. July 19, 2017

    Feature Requests Automatically display new comments when automatically approved (no refresh required) Bug Fixes The image style (magic wand) option disappeared in the new editor. We brought it back. European date formats and published dates w...
  7. July 11, 2017

    Feature Requests New setting to automatically approve comments New option in content list subcategory display type to show all content (not only the first 5) Ability to create trials with more than 1 kb or author from the website Bug Fixes F...
  8. June 29, 2017

    Feature Requests New permissions in custom roles to restrict the ability to: Edit homepage Add, edit, and delete glossary terms Edit and delete files in the file library Wider label displays in the file library Shared articles now display...
  9. SSO options for different knowledge base setups

    View a list of SSO configurations for different knowledge base security requirements.
  10. Default Right Column HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Right Column . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. About this Article Created: [article(" date_created ")]...