Popular Articles

  1. New feature: Author list export

    You can now export a list of all your authors in CSV format.
  2. 🎤New feature drop: Tools > Advanced Search

    Meet the newest addition to our Tools menu: Advanced Search. Search full article HTML using exact match or regex patterns to generate a list of relevant articles.
  3. Schedule Full PDF and HTML Zip Backups

    Customers would like the ability to schedule the Full Standard PDF Export and the HTML Zip Export to run automatically on a scheduled basis. 
  4. Delete a category and its content

    Learn about deleting categories and content in KnowledgeOwl.
  5. July 25, 2019

    Bug Fixes: Removing a label from a file and saving it was not properly removing the label Bulk importing readers was causing login issues when the readers' email addresses were using capitol letters Using the "Exclude from search" setting in art...
  6. Author team order consistently displayed

    The order of Author Teams set in Your Account > Authors > Teams is now used everywhere that Author Teams are displayed.
  7. Readers page: Now with filters and other delights 🎁

    We gave the Readers page a Manage Articles-style makeover, adding standard and custom filters, a more nuanced CSV export, and some more streamlined workflows.
  8.  Guest presentation on a reader Scavenger Hunt (March 29th)

    In our first-ever guest Wisdom Wednesday, a KB admin shares the reader scavenger hunt she's been using in her knowledge base.
  9. The basics: adding links to other websites or online resources

    Learn how to insert hyperlinks to other online resources in your CAPRA self-assessment standards.
  10. Update an existing standard

    Learn how to edit and update an existing standard.