🐾Revisions now tracked for all versions

For those of you actively using Versions, we have exciting news: we are now tracking recent revisions for ALL versions.

Previously, we would only track revision history for versions while they were the current active version.

But we've had a lot of requests for revision history in versions, so we decided it was time to add it.

Any versions created on or after April 12th of this year will get recent revision history tracking just like articles, in which we track the 10 most recent revisions.

As with articles, you'll see the Recent Revisions link show up after you've saved a version twice, and you can view those revisions; compare them; and recover previous revisions just as with articles.

The exception

The tricky piece of this is for versions created before April 12th of this year. Since we weren't tracking version revisions before that date, you generally won't see revisions in these versions, except in certain cases.

For those versions:

  • If they haven't been edited at all since April 12th, you'll only see revision history for any time period while they were the active version.
  • If they have been edited since April 12th, you'll only see revision history in these situations:
    • For any time period while they were the active version OR
    • If you've saved two or more edits to the version since April 12th, you'll see those revisions in the history

Basically: for these older versions, if they were inactive, you'll only see revisions for them that have been saved since April 12th.

We've updated our Are revisions stored for versions? documentation to reflect these changes, and we hope this broader revision history makes it easier to see how a version has evolved over time (or to recover content in inactive versions!).