First, a huge thank-you to customers who notified us of unusual 500 errors or other issues in the last couple weeks. We released our code base upgrade slowly to a percentage of traffic before taking it fully live, and those of you who reported new issues to us helped us find the handful of bugs that we weren't able to find ourselves during our testing. Thank you for your diligence and willingness to reach out!
With the majority of our infrastructure upgrades now complete, we've been able to shift most of our developers back onto feature work and bug fixes, so I am gleefully returning to release notes. (Check out Manage Articles Bulk Edit: now with New & Updated callouts! for our first new feature enhancement post-upgrades!)
That also means I have a few bug fixes to catch up on. Most of these have come out in the last week-ish:
- The Settings > Style Preview Changes option sometimes wouldn't load properly if there was malformed CSS/HTML. We've added a code verification check here to identify these errors to keep Preview Changes working properly. Now, if you do try to Preview Changes with malformed code, we prevent the preview from launching and add a pop-up letting you know preview couldn't generate and identifying area(s) that caused issues, like this:
Sample warning of bad CSS/HTML preventing preview from generating
- Those of you using Wistia embeds: we fixed an issue in our PDF generator that you might have seen in articles with:
- More than one Wistia embed
- 1 or more other images
- In this scenario, though the Wistia embeds and other images displayed fine in the live knowledge base when viewing the article, the other images would not display in PDFs. This was due to some unusual handling of the Wistia scripts by our PDF generator. We made updates to that generator during our code upgrade and this issue now seems to be resolved. You will need to re-save an article with some type of content change to see the change in an individual PDF, or you can contact us to have us regenerate all your individual article PDFs.
- Copy a knowledge base was previously ignoring Published Date for articles. It now includes Published Date.
- Also related to copying a knowledge base: thanks to a customer report, we discovered that if you copied a knowledge base with custom content categories, and then later deleted a custom content category from the copied knowledge base, search results still had the content of that category indexed. This was actually caused by a glitch during the copy process itself. We've fixed the issue for all copies moving forward. If you're still seeing odd search indexing behavior on custom content categories you already created using a copy, please contact us with the details on the knowledge base and the custom content category and we should be able to get it sorted out!
- For versions that have been marked ready for review and shared with certain readers using the Make visible to groups checkbox: we noticed that if the only change you made to an article was to check one or more of the Make visible to groups boxes before you saved, the table of contents was not updating to show that version made visible to groups consistently. It does now.
And May the 4th be with you. (Hint: if you're a Star Wars fan or just like Easter eggs, you might want to hit in an Incognito or Private browser tab today, or just log out and try to log back in. )