Updated Articles

  1. Advanced Search exact match

    Learn how to use the exact match search type.
  2. Configure your KB access

    Learn what features are available for public knowledge bases, public knowledge bases with some private content, and private knowledge bases.
  3. Basic authentication

    Learn how to enable basic authentication in your knowledge base and designate a reader as a basic auth account.
  4. Requiring login to view files/images

    If your knowledge base is private, turn this setting on to guarantee no one can access files in your knowledge base by URL.
  5. Create a public knowledge base with some private content

    Learn how to restrict certain content on your publicly accessible KnowledgeOwl knowledge base.
  6. Create a public knowledge base

    Learn how to create a public knowledge base in KnowledgeOwl so that anyone with the link can access it.
  7. Create a private knowledge base

    Learn how to make your KnowledgeOwl knowledge base private and restrict access to your content.
  8. General security options

  9. Restrict by IP address, shared passwords, reader logins, or a combination

    The security settings under the Settings tab are mostly centered around the needs of private or internal knowledge bases. By default, your knowledge base will be visible to the public which means anyone can peruse your content. However, under Set...
  10. Create a private knowledge base with different content for different readers

    Learn how to restrict content to different readers in a KnowledgeOwl knowledge base.