Updated Articles

  1. Troubleshooting glossary term imports

    Learn how to resolve errors during a glossary term import.
  2. Tips & tricks for broken links

    The Broken Links Report can generate a lot of links the first time you run it, and some links won't seem broken. Here are some tips and tricks we've learned while working with these reports.
  3. Topic display: Hide category description

    Category descriptions are displayed in certain areas (such as Title and Description layout in Default category ). But if you're using a topic display category , the description is also displayed as the first text when you're viewing the ca...
  4. Topic display: Style your tabs

    Use Custom CSS to change the tab color, border, and font color of topic display category tab displays.
  5. Trigger/retrigger subscriptions

    Learn more about how subscription notification emails are triggered and how you can retrigger a subscription for an article with an existing New/Updated callout.
  6. Update Knowledge Base Home Page with Customize Text merge code

    If your article lists live in Knowledge Base > Home, follow these instructions to update their headings so they'll accept the Customize Text strings.
  7. Undo changes to a snippet

    Did someone mess up one of your snippets? Use the Revert to previous saves option to revert to one of your last three saves on the snippet!
  8. Topic display: Change Quick Links style and/or add header

    Want to style your topic display category Quick Links section your own way? Use the styles we use as a baseline to change yours!
  9. Test reader group access

    Use the Change Reader Groups option when viewing the KB as an admin to test what members of different reader groups will see.
  10. Body Merge Codes

    Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Body.  All merge codes except "contents" will also work inside articles. Template Merge Code Description Example [t...