Updated Articles

  1. Style Fancybox

    Here are some of the most common style customizations for Fancybox images in your article and on-hover.
  2. Standard PDF export (Full PDF Download)

    The Standard PDF Export creates a PDF of all Published and Needs Review articles in your entire knowledge with a clickable table of contents. This PDF can optionally be displayed at the bottom of your table of contents to allow your readers to dow...
  3. SSO FAQs

    Answers to the most common questions about SSO.
  4. Stemming

    Stemming is the process of reducing words to their base or root form. For example, "searching", "searches", and "searcher" can all be reduced to the word "search".  This is called the stem. In our search,...
  5. Sorting

    Search results are sorted by relevance by default. The goal is to show the most relevant articles at the top of the results. However, sometimes a reader might want to find the most popular, newest, or most recently updated article in the results. I...
  6. Snippet use cases

    Learn some of the best use cases for using snippets.
  7. Use standard Manage filters

    Learn what the available standard filters in Manage are and how to use them.
  8. SSL cert troubleshooting: CNAME record has not fully synced

    If your CNAME record hasn't been created yet, was just created and hasn't synced, or was improperly formatted, you might see this message: Sample CNAME warning message   If you see this message, you may need to create or update...
  9. SSL cert troubleshooting: CAA policy does not allow

    You may see a warning about a CAA policy not allowing certificates to be issued from Let's Encrypt: Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) records and policies determine which authorities are allowed to issue certificates for a given doma...
  10. Step 1: Enable Salesforce SSO in KnowledgeOwl

    First, we need to enable Salesforce SSO in KnowledgeOwl and add the Salesforce Login URL. In KnowledgeOwl, go to Settings > SSO. Click on the Salesforce SSO  tab near the top. Check the box next to Enable Salesforce .  In Sales...