KnowledgeOwl Support
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Release notes
Video library
Status page
Contact support
Write your docs
Create a category
Add a category or subcategory
Choose a category type
Default categories
Topic display categories
Blog style categories
Shared content categories
Custom content categories
URL redirect categories
Category appearance in the table of contents
Edit a category
Edit a category
Internal note
Internal category title
Category icons
Control subcategory display
Customize category behavior in the table of contents
Delete a category and its content
Visibility and permissions
Hide a category from navigation
Restrict a category to certain readers
Exclude category
Reorder and move categories
Reorder categories or articles
Move categories or articles between levels
Why isn't my category showing up in search?
Why is a category not displaying to readers?
Create a new article
Article creation guide
Create a new article from scratch
Article templates
Structure template (sample)
Copy an existing article
Share articles between categories and knowledge bases
Generate article from title
URL redirect article
Edit an article
Add images and files to articles
Edit and update files in articles
Working with links to other websites
Use action links with # or javascript:void(0)
Edit permalinks
Add anchors within articles
Add code samples
Add banners and thumbnails
URL redirect article
Editor keyboard shortcuts
Modern WYSIWYG editor vs legacy editor
SCAYT Spell Check
Sharing "draft" articles
Reuse, link, and recommend articles
Share articles between categories and knowledge bases
Topic articles
Related articles section
Use Widget 2.0 for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages
Link to article or category
Article settings
Full and short titles
Internal note
Internal title
Publishing status
Published date
Schedule an article to be published
Schedule an article to be archived
Edit or remove an article's scheduled publication or archival
Article callouts (New, Updated, and Video)
Display Settings
Automatically redirect when you update an article's URL
Redirect old articles to a new permalink
Search phrases
Versioning and history
What is a version?
Benefits of using versions
Use cases for versions
Are revisions stored for versions?
How to use versions
Open and edit versions
Create a version
Activate a version
Delete a version
Version notes
What are version notes?
View version notes
Edit version notes
Version sharing/review process
Article in-app version review process
Version review process for readers
In-app version review process, custom content categories
Version PDFs
Generate a version PDF
Change the version PDFs' format or text
What is a revision?
Use cases for revisions
View revisions and revision history
Compare revisions
Recover a revision
Delete a revision
Are revisions stored for versions?
Reorder and move articles
Reorder articles
Move articles between levels
Delete and recover articles
Delete an article
Delete articles in bulk in Manage
Recover a deleted article
Recover multiple deleted articles
Change article styles (layout, lists, and other tricks)
Files and images
Who can access the files and images in my knowledge base?
File size limits
Find a file's URL
Add images to articles
Add images to articles: Modern Editor
Add images to articles: Legacy Editor
Add alternative text to images
Custom image captions
Adjust image width for all images
Display images side-by-side
Add files and images directly in File Library
Edit and update files in the Files library
Image upload errors
Why are some screenshots blurry?
Image best practices
File types for screenshots/larger images
File types for icons
Resizing images
Accessible images
Gif and animation usage
Create consistent screenshots
Add videos to articles
Add videos to your articles
Wistia video embeds
Add videos in bulk
Video upload errors
Edit and update videos
Add other files to articles
Add files to articles: Modern Editor
Add files to articles: Legacy Editor
Display PDF file in articles
Embed Google Drive files in articles
Display Microsoft Office OneDrive files in articles
Display Microsoft Office file in articles
Add files in bulk
Edit and update files
File upload errors
File Library: Manage images and files
Introduction to the File Library
List View
Which File Library view should I use?
Add files and images directly in File Library
Edit and update files in the Files library
Find a file's URL
File references
Restoring deleted files
Purge and fully remove files
Manage files with file labels
Use labels as filters
Who can access the files stored in my knowledge base?
What are tags?
Create a tag
Edit a tag
Delete tags
Add an existing tag to an article
Remove a tag from an article
Tags in searches
Hide tags from Search Results
Merge tags
What does merging tags do?
Tags usage report
File Labels
What are file labels?
Create a file label
Edit a file label
Delete a file label
Add an existing label to a file
Remove a label from a file
Merge labels
What does merging labels do?
Use labels as filters
What is a snippet?
Snippets library
Create a snippet
Snippet references
Copy existing snippet
Add snippets in content
Undo changes to a snippet
Snippet use cases
Snippet best practices
Shared & synced content
Synced content overview
Shared content articles
Sync behavior in shared content categories
Why isn't my shared content article showing in search results?
How can I tell multiple shared child articles apart?
Synced content in copied knowledge base
Synced knowledge base
Import content
Import from Confluence
Import from Zendesk
Import from Freshdesk
Import with the API
Testing imports
Import best practices
Create REST API documentation
REST API documentation in KnowledgeOwl
Create your API documentation
Custom styles
Limitation: content security policy header
Understand Redoc's standalone API docs
Next steps
Generate content
Use SurveyGizmo Surveys to Generate Content in KnowledgeOwl
Look and feel
Homepage look and feel
Homepage overview
Change the homepage welcome text
Add a background image to my homepage
Change the background image on my homepage
Remove the homepage welcome text
Change the color of the homepage welcome text
Add category icons to your homepage category panels
Article Lists
New Articles list
Updated Articles list
Popular Articles list
Recent Articles list
Remove article lists from your homepage
Create a custom homepage articles list
Add a custom banner with built-in div styles
Add a custom icon and header link on your homepage
Overall look and feel
Style your overall theme
Access the theme builder
Choose your colors
Color picker: Which colors control which parts of my theme?
Choose your font
Use a custom font
Choose your logo
Choose your theme
Use the new Support theme
Choose your layout
Change your favicon
Choose your table of contents behavior
Set your knowledge base time zone, date, and language
Customize style or layout with HTML/CSS
Add a link to the upper right (top navigation)
Undo changes to Settings > Style
Access to the header via Custom Head
Reset your theme
Copy a knowledge base's theme
Configure default behavior
Basic settings
Domain settings
Website settings
Article editor settings
How to use your own domain
Private domain overview
Create a CNAME record on your DNS
Add a private domain
Set up your SSL cert
Make all requests use your new private domain
SSL cert troubleshooting: CNAME record has not fully synced
SSL cert troubleshooting: CAA policy does not allow
Changing your private domain
Other overall look and feel customizations
Add Fancybox to click to zoom/enlarge images
About Fancybox
Style images
Change toolbar
Specific images only
Skip images
Remove "Made with KnowledgeOwl" statement from footer
Change Alert div icon
Display a back to top icon when scrolling
Only play GIFs while hovering
Use different logos for different reader groups
Set your footer copyright year to automatically update
Fix anchor links hidden by top navigation
Article look and feel
Use your own syntax highlighter for code blocks
Create an article table of contents (TOC) from headers
Create expanding/collapsing sections in an article
Adjust line spacing
Format numbered list spacing and borders
Customize nested numbered list styles
Use thumbnails and banner images
Update your article actions merge code
Remove the PDF, print, or email icon from all articles
Fix for article editor removing a script
Fix email article for articles with apostrophes
Make the PDF icon prettier
Conditional content based on tags
Style your table footer
Category look and feel
Icon panels styles
Topic display: Hide category description
Topic display: Style your tabs
Icon panels: Change panel background color/category title color
Topic display: Change Quick Links style and/or add header
Table of contents & organization
Display categories open by default
Add or remove Home link in table of contents
Add search bar to table of contents
Add glossary link to table of contents
Add a link to the full PDF download to table of contents
Add contact us link to table of contents
Change the icons used in the table of contents
Change the slideout Table of Contents' width (Minimalist Theme)
Hide the table of contents
Search look and feel
Change your search bar placeholder
Customize the search "No Results" message
Hide tags from Search Results
Style the glossary term callouts in search results
PDF look and feel
Add page numbers to PDFs
Display content only in PDFs
Snippet to force page breaks in PDFs
Prevent Page Breaks in PDF Table Rows
Display full URL of links in PDFs
Glossary look and feel
Customize how highlighted glossary terms and definitions look
Keep glossary header visible when scrolling
Style the letters at the top of the glossary
Add search to the glossary page
Style the glossary snippet search results
Add a print icon to the Glossary page
Default HTML and CSS
Default HTML
Default Homepage HTML
Default Body HTML
Default Top Navigation HTML
Default Article HTML
Default Article Version HTML
Default Login HTML
Default Manage Reader Subscriptions HTML
Default 404 Error Page HTML
Default Restricted Access Page HTML
Default Right Column HTML
Default Homepage Article HTML (deprecated)
Default Custom CSS
Customize default text
Add or edit your own text string
Reset a customized text string
Section breakdown: Search
Section breakdown: Table of Contents
Section breakdown: Top Navigation
Section breakdown: Reader Login
Section breakdown: Article
Section breakdown: Miscellaneous
Section breakdown: Required Reading
Section breakdown: Article Lists
Section breakdown: Contact Form
Update Style Settings with Customize Text merge code
Update Homepage with Customize Text merge code
Merge codes
What are merge codes?
KB Merge Codes
PDF Merge Codes
Custom content category merge codes
Related Articles
Feature overview
How it works
Where do Related Articles show up?
Do deleted or archived articles show in Related Articles?
Use automatic Related Articles
Manually suggest Related Articles
Use both manual and automatic Related Articles
Set up Related Articles
Turn on automatic Related Article suggestions
Backward suggest Related Articles
Set the number of Related Articles to automatically display
Turn off automatically suggested Related Articles
Display Related Articles only in specific articles
Readd the Related Articles section to my articles
Hide Related Articles section from a specific article
Hide Related Articles when there are none
Hide Related Articles when there is only one or less
Add and remove Related Articles
Add Related Articles
Reorder or remove Related Articles
Contact Form
Contact form overview
What data is collected in the Contact Form?
Set up your contact form
Set up contact form to send emails to one or more addresses
Custom fields
Integrate contact form with Zendesk
Integrate contact form with Freshdesk
Update wording in the Contact Form
Customize Contact Form link
Contact form submission email delivery issues
Advanced setup
Bypass contact form self-serve
Open the contact form with certain details filled in
Add template text to the start or end of the contact form's subject
Fix error for site owner on Contact Form
Manage articles
Manage Articles overview
Use standard Manage filters
Create a custom Manage filter
Edit a custom Manage filter
Included Tags vs. Excluded Tags
Delete a custom Manage filter
Export the Manage Articles list to CSV
Bulk edit articles in Manage
Bulk activate "ready for review" versions
Bulk edit articles to make them required reading
Archive articles in bulk in Manage
Delete articles in bulk in Manage
How do bulk edits, archives, and deletes work?
Ratings feature overview
Set up ratings
Enable ratings
Change the location of the Ratings section
Add ratings to individual articles
Disable ratings
Add ratings to all articles
Ratings reports and resets
Ratings reporting
Reset article ratings
Article favorites
Feature overview
Set up favorites
Enable favorites
Display favorites in the table of contents
Display favorites outside the table of contents
Change the favorites star icon
Change how many favorites are displayed in the Current reader's favorites article list
Add a top navigation link to the Favorite Articles page
Fix missing favorites icon
Add and access favorite articles
Add an article to your favorites
Remove an article from your favorites
Reorder your favorites
Access your favorite articles
Enable and configure comments
Comment restrictions and permissions
Comment security
View comments pending approval
Commenter icons / images / avatars
Limit the max characters allowed in comments
Disable comments in your knowledge base
Glossary feature overview
Add terms to your Glossary
Glossary formatting
Add a new glossary term
Import glossary terms
When should I use display titles?
Troubleshooting glossary term imports
Set up Glossary
Add or remove glossary link in table of contents
Add glossary terms to your search results
Add the glossary page to your search results
Rename the glossary
Glossary setup FAQs
View the glossary
Add Glossary definitions in articles
Add glossary definitions in articles manually
Automatically highlight definitions in articles
When one glossary term contains another glossary term
Style Glossary terms and definitions
Broken link checker & report
Generating a Broken Links Report
Additional content options
Exclude codes
Which codes should I worry about?
How to read the Broken Links Report
What content is checked
What is not checked
Tips & tricks for broken links
Who can run the Broken Links Report?
Advanced Search
Run an Advanced Search
Exact match
Advanced Search regex pattern
Reading the Advanced Search CSV
Advanced Search video walkthrough
How to use subscriptions
How subscriptions work
Subscribe to a category
Unsubscribe from a category
Trigger/retrigger subscriptions
Configure subscriptions
Requirements to turn on subscriptions
Set the subscription notification schedule and email subject
Configure SMTP for subscriptions
Set up public subscriptions
Enable subscriptions
Add Subscribe button to topic and custom content categories
Style the Subscribe button differently
Force readers to subscribe with their reader account email address
Contextual Help Widget (2.0)
Widget 2.0 overview
Modern Widget vs. Widget 2.0 Comparison
Transition checklist: from Modern Widget to Widget 2.0
Widget configuration & installation
Widget Settings section
Widget Admin Settings
Widget Customize Text section
Widget Contact Form section
Custom Widget Styles
Custom Widget Javascript
Add spam protection to Widget 2.0 Contact Tab
Open widget to a specific article or category
Use Widget 2.0 for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages
Hide one of the Widget 2.0 tabs
Widget 2.0 installation
Widget authentication
Widget authentication--when and how to use it
Widget 2.0 JWT authentication
Widget 2.0 OAuth2 authentication
Advanced widget configuration & methods
Open widget to specific tab
Use Widget 2.0 on Single Page Applications
Prepopulate Widget 2.0 Contact Form fields
Advanced option: add the widget in your own div wrapper
Widget methods and functions dictionary
Required Reading
Enable and configure Required Reading
Enable Required Reading
Add the Required Reading flag to your article template
Add the Required Reading flag to your Right Column template
Add the Acknowledgements section to your article template
Change the Required Reading text
Add a Required Reading link to Table of Contents
Add a Required Reading article list to your homepage
Make individual articles required
Access the Required Reading page
Bulk edit articles to make them required reading
Retrigger the same article for new acknowledgement
Remove requirement or start date
SMTP feature overview
Create an SMTP service
Create a new SMTP service: Basic authentication
Gmail for two-factor authentication
Create a new SMTP service: Microsoft OAuth2
Create a new SMTP service: Unauthenticated
PDF overview
Individual article PDFs
Standard PDF export (Full PDF Download)
Custom PDF exports
Styling PDFs
Hyperlinks in PDFs
PDF Watermarks and Passwords
HTML Zip export
Generate an HTML Zip export
HTML export of categories with question marks in the title
SEO guide
Get started
Best practices
KnowledgeOwl SEO features
Promote your knowledge base
Make your knowledge base public
Generate your sitemap
Optimize your homepage
Custom title tags and meta descriptions
Public Sitemaps and SEO
Duplicate content
Hide from search engines
Measure SEO performance
Google Search Console
Modern & Legacy Contextual Help Widget (deprecated)
How the widget works
Use the Modern Widget for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages
Modern Slideout Widget Authentication with OAuth2
Use the Modern Slideout Widget on Single Page Applications
Modern Widget + Zendesk Contact Form fix email address dropdown
Deprecation of Modern & Legacy widget
Linus Assist
What is Linus Assist?
Enable Linus Assist
Generate your first article
Generate new article from title
Article title prompts for Linus Assist
Generate content for an existing article
Add your own OpenAI API key to Linus Assist
Interruption to Linus Assist
Search feature overview
Set up search
General search settings
General settings overview
Filter by category
Exclude category
Shared content articles
Article blurbs
Glossary term callouts
Glossary page
Change search text and styles
Fine tuning search
Fine tuning search overview
Autosuggest behavior
Fuzzy search
Search fields
Search field weights
Preview field weight changes
Intro to synonyms
Create a synonym
Edit a synonym
Delete a synonym
Large PDFs
Search your knowledge base
Keyword search
Keyword search overview
Autosuggest search
Full search results
Exact match searches
Autosuggest versus full text search
Tag search
Tag search overview
Tag search case sensitivity
Save a tag search
Tags versus search phrases
Optimize search
Optimize search intro
Use search settings
Use indexed fields well
Use search field weights
Use search phrases
Use synonyms
Use Searches with no results
Run a search reindex
Run a required search reindex
Run an optional search reindex
Delayed reindex
Search FAQs
Why isn't my category showing up in search results?
How do I add keywords to my article?
Why doesn't search work for unhyphenated versions of hyphenated words?
Can I exclude an entire category--and all its articles--from search?
Why doesn't my shared content article show in search results?
Use Google Custom Search Engine in KnowledgeOwl
How search works: advanced
Search basics
Search relevance scoring
Reporting Dashboard
Your Knowledge Base at a Glance
Article Ratings Report
Popular Articles Report
Published Articles with 0 Views
Searches with no Results
Reset article views in the Popular Articles report
Contact form reporting
Contact Form Activity
Search Activity
Export searches to CSV
Page Breakdown
Widget reporting
Widget reporting overview
Articles Viewed from Remote Pages
Recommended Article Weights
Comments reporting
Approve or delete comments
How do I know when there are comments pending approval?
Who can view, approve, and delete comments?
What happens when I delete a comment?
Required Reading reporting
Required Reading reporting overview
Reading the Required Reading report
Set up third-party analytics
Search term analytics
Reader-specific analytics
Security and permissions
KB visibility and access
Create a public knowledge base
Create a public knowledge base with some private content
Create a private knowledge base
Create a private knowledge base with different content for different readers
Restrict content to logged in readers
Restrict by IP address, shared passwords, reader logins, or a combination
Convert a private knowledge base to mixed public and private
Advanced security options
Requiring login to view files/images
Spam protection
HTTP response headers
Basic authentication
Author management
What is an author?
Author permissions
Add an author
Edit authors and permissions
Reset an author password
Author login type
Default author roles
Export a list of authors
Delete an author
What happens when I delete an author?
Can authors share logins?
Can multiple authors work on the same article?
Author email delivery issues
Why is this email address saying it's on a suppression list?
Author Teams
What are author teams?
Create author teams
Change the order of author teams
Restrict content to author teams
Inherited author team restrictions
Remove author team restrictions
Author roles & custom roles
Default author roles
Custom author roles
Available custom role permissions
Reader management
Readers and reader filters
Readers overview
What's the difference between an author and a reader?
Enable reader logins
Create a reader
Create readers in bulk
Search for readers
Create a custom reader filter
Edit a custom reader filter
Delete a custom reader filter
Edit readers in bulk
Purge deleted readers
How do reader groups work?
Reader Groups
Where can you set reader groups?
How do reader groups work?
Create a reader group
Restrict content to logged in readers
Test reader group access
Auto-assign groups by email rules
Checking if an article or category is restricted to reader groups
Display different logos for different reader groups
Delete a reader group
Reader emails
Customize your reader welcome emails
Customize your reader password reset emails
Configure SMTP for reader emails
How custom SMTP from/reply impacts the email template from/reply to fields
Reader email delivery issues
Reader security, passwords, and login options
Reader password security
What's the difference between admin managed and self-administered reader passwords?
Set up self-administered reader options
Allow Google log in for readers
Allow readers to log in through SSO
Help readers reset their passwords
Reader signups
Enable reader signups
Change the default text of the reader signup form
Add custom fields to the reader signup form
Approve or deny single new reader
Approve or deny multiple readers
Auto-assign new readers to groups upon signup
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single sign-on (SSO) overview
SSO options for different knowledge base setups
Update your x509 certificate
Opening links to SSO knowledge bases from Microsoft Office
SAML SSO instructions
SAML SSO setup overview
Configure SAML SSO (generic instructions)
Configure SSO with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
Configure SSO with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
Configure SSO with Google Workspace
SSO Advanced options
SAML attribute map
Custom attribute map rules
Missing SSO ID mapping warning
Auto-Assign Groups By Email Rules (SSO Edition)
Remote authentication instructions
Enable remote authentication
Create your remote auth token request and script
Salesforce SSO instructions
Salesforce configuration intro
Step 1: Enable Salesforce SSO in KnowledgeOwl
Step 2: Create LoginController apex class in Salesforce
Step 3: Add the Remote Site in Salesforce
Step 4: Create a Visualforce page in Salesforce
Step 5: Create final apex classes in Salesforce
Security, privacy, and compliance
Cookie declaration
Privacy policy
Data Processing Addendum (DPA)
HIPAA compliance
Security and reliability
Payment card industry (PCI) compliance
Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)
Maintain GDPR compliance with your own data
Uptime SLAs
List of Sub-processors
Supported cipher suites
Required IP addresses
Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
Knowledge base backup
Account and billing
Add and remove knowledge bases
Create an additional knowledge base
Copy a knowledge base
Delete a knowledge base
Remove an unused knowledge base slot
Add and remove author seats
Add an author seat: in-app credit card
Remove an author seat: in-app credit card
Add an author seat: invoice
Remove an author seat: invoice
Payment options
Update credit card
How do I add or remove knowledge bases?
How do I add or remove author seats?
View past receipts and invoices
Change billing email
Switch from monthly to annual billing
Pause or suspend subscription
Cancel my account
Resolve payment
Why is an American company charging me, a non-American, sales tax?
Company and Product Info
Company Website
Contact support
How do I stay up-to-date on KnowledgeOwl?
System requirements and supported browsers
Troubleshooting software issues
KnowledgeOwl status page
KnowledgeOwl W-9
How can I send product feedback?
Terms and conditions
Plans and trials FAQ
30-day free trial
Extend my trial
Business Extras
Enterprise Extras
Priority Support
Subscription add-ons
SLA Definitions
SLA Exclusions
Business Extras SLA
Enterprise Extras SLA
Fair Pricing Policy
Integrations, API, and webhooks
Use the KnowledgeOwl Webhooks Slack app
Use Webhooks with Slack (build your own app)
Send Contact Form submissions to Google Sheet via Zapier + webhooks
More use cases
Zapier and the KnowledgeOwl API
More use cases
Install Zendesk App
Create Zendesk Tickets
Import from Zendesk
Use the KnowledgeOwl API
Introducing the KnowledgeOwl API
API keys
Find your knowledge base ID or project ID
Pagination and limiting results
Usage limits
Input and output formats
API date formats
Query operators
API calls in snippets
Endpoint reference
How to work with APIs
What is an API?
What is a REST API?
Calling an API: terminology and tools
Calling an API: curl
Calling an API: Postman
Learn more
Cookbook: examples with curl and Postman
Cookbook usage instructions
Create a category
Upload and edit files
Update version metadata
Cookbook: code samples
Create a list of articles from a specific category
Webhooks overview and creation
Available webhook events
Webhook API calls
Reactivating a webhook
Release notes
Getting Started Guide
Intro to KnowledgeOwl
Before you start
Set up your account
What is a knowledge base?
How are KnowledgeOwl knowledge bases structured?
The KnowledgeOwl app vs. a knowledge base
Get oriented in the app
Get started with a new knowledge base
Purpose & audience
Create a Knowledge Base Brief
Look & feel
Set up your domain
Configure your KB access
Decide which features to use
Determine your content hierarchy
Author roles and permissions
Version guidelines
Reporting and analytics
Content audit cycle
Create a style or author's guide
Document your knowledge base's setup
Explore features
Navigation-related features
Content-related features
Integration-related features
Metadata-related features
Permissions-related features
Trial FAQs
How do I add more authors to my trial?
How do I add more knowledge bases to my trial?
How do I extend my trial?
What happens when my trial expires?
What are my pricing and plan options?
How do I get Business or Enterprise Extras?
What happens when I subscribe to KnowledgeOwl?
How do I cancel my trial?
Transition to KO from another tool
How to start your knowledge base
2 minute demo video
Spread the word
Wisdom Wednesdays
September 27th: SMTP changes and Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP
Advanced Search walkthrough (Aug. 30th)
Use the Customize Text tool to change your article template (July 5th)
Version review and activation (June 7th)
Versions & revisions (May 24th)
Topic display category tabs layout (April 26th)
Article Favorites (April 12th)
Guest presentation on a reader Scavenger Hunt (March 29th)
Three use cases for snippets (March 15th)
Get the most from topic display categories (March 1)
Give your knowledge base a makeover with icon panels subcategory display (Feb. 15th)
Sharing files: embeds, links, and URL directs, oh my! (Feb. 1)
Customize Text Tool (Jan. 18th)
Intro to File References (Jan. 4th)
New theme updates! (Dec. 14th)
How to update images & files (Nov. 30th)
Use tags + Manage filters for fast docs updates/audits (Nov. 16th)
How to get the most from glossary (Oct.26th)
In-line and side-by-side images (Oct. 19th)
Get the most out of search (Oct. 12th)
Broken Links Report (Oct. 5th)
Video Library
2 minute demo of KnowledgeOwl
How to start building your knowledge base
Articles & Categories - the very basics of your knowledge base
Do you need a private, public or mixed use knowledge base?
Readers vs. Authors
Search feature overview
Tips for setting up a customer-facing knowledge base
Fave features: Glossary, Favoriting and Comments
Contextual help widget demo
How to set up a knowledge base with both private and public content
Reporting feature overview
Product Newsletter video archive
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023
October 2023
November 2023
Wisdom Wednesday Archives
Get the most out of search
Working with inline and side-by-side images
Kate's tags + manage articles process for fast documentation updates
Get the most out of Glossary
How to update files and images
New theme updates
Intro to file references
Customize text tool
Sharing files: embeds, links, URL redirects, oh my!
Icon panel subcategory display option
Get the most out of topic display categories
Three use cases for snippets
Driving reader engagement: A scavenger hunt (aka the Knowledge Games)
Article favorites
Tabs display
Versions part one
Versions part two (review and activation)
Customize text article template
Advanced search walkthrough
Full PDF Download
Write your docs
Versioning and history
Version sharing/review process
Learn how to share inactive versions for review.
Article in-app version review process
Learn how to mark article versions as ready for review and use a Manage filter to review them.
Version review process for readers
Learn how to use the Make Visible to Groups option to share inactive versions with members of specific reader groups.
In-app version review process, custom content categories
Learn how to mark custom content category versions as ready for review.
Subscribe for Updates
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