Feature enhancement: View & copy version URL from editor

For those of you using versions and including them in a review process using the "Make Visible to Groups" option, we have a small enhancement that may make your life easier.

Once you save a version with at least one Make Visible to Groups box checked, you'll now see two new links in the version message at the top of the page.

These links will allow you to:

  • Copy Version Link: copies the URL for this particular version to your clipboard, so you can paste it somewhere else (like an email, a note, etc.)
  • View Version: will open the knowledge base directly to this version. (Previously, you had to either navigate to the version through the TOC or construct the URL yourself--time-consuming, to say the least!)

Here's what the links look like:

New links in the version message once Make Visible to Groups groups have been selected
We hope these changes make it easier to include versions in your review process. Let us know what you think!