New Articles

  1. 🐶 Nat'l Underdog Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address issues with adding a category to itself, some catch up on glossary terminology, and quotes in titles creating blank-bodied PDFs.
  2. 🐴 Nat'l Horse Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address issues we had with accessibility in our default theme, and access to secure file library links.
  3. 🧭Left navigation updates for everyone New

    We overhauled our left navigation for ease of use and better grouping. Let us know what you think!
  4. Add a top navigation link to the Favorite Articles page New

    Add a custom top navigation link to the Favorite Articles page to help your readers access their full list.
  5. 🎂 Nat'l Cake Day bugfixes New

    These bugfixes address issues with 'edit in app' on some pages, the addition of a new classname, changes to our in-app article search, and to how we will release new features going forward.
  6. 🧭 New navigation coming: sign up for early access to give us feedback New

    These release notes discuss early access to our new navigation.
  7. Enable favorites

    Follow these instructions to turn on favorites if they aren't already being used in your knowledge base.
  8. Article favorites feature overview

    New to article favorites? Learn more about how the feature works here.
  9. Access your favorite articles

    Access your favorites by visiting the Favorite Articles page, the Favorites section of the table of contents, or the Favorite Articles article list.
  10. Add and access favorite articles

    Select and deselect the star icon next to the article title to add and remove favorite articles.