New Articles

  1. 😻 Nat'l Love your Pet Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address bugs with article action icons, Linus Assist in the editor, and shared content categories with the API. Plus, a new secure file library infrastructure.
  2. 👧🏽 Nat'l Galentines Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address bugs with version notes, New/Updated callouts, YAML files, and URL redirect categories. Plus some new options in search to give you more control over your search results!
  3. Fuzzy search New

    Use the Fuzzy search and Fuzzy starting point controls to set how tolerant of typos your search results are.
  4. Search fields New

    Control which article fields factor into your autosuggest and full search results.
  5. 🍻 Nat'l Beer Can Appreciation Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address bugs within images in PDFs in secure file libraries, adding or removing a login link to your knowledge base, and some image alignment woes.
  6. Why isn't my shared content article showing in search results?

    Shared content articles are excluded from search results by default. Follow these instructions to include them in search.
  7. Why isn't my category showing up in search?

    Categories may not show up in search results due to their category type, category Display Settings, or knowledge base Search and synonyms settings.
  8. Keyword search

    Enter a word or phrase to complete a keyword search.
  9. Keyword search overview

    Keyword search is the default search type in your knowledge base. To begin a keyword search, enter a word or phrase in the search bar.
  10. Save a tag search

    Use the URL of a tag search to direct people straight to that tag search's results.