New Articles

  1. Interruption to Linus Assist

    Due to OpenAI or KnowledgeOwl maintenance or outages, Linus Assist may be paused for maintenance. Learn what you can expect.
  2. 🦫 Nat'l Wildlife Day bugfixes

    These fixes address issues with duplicate names in the File Library, article statuses in Snippet and File References, and losing your place in the Settings > Style page.
  3. Generate new article from title

    Use Linus Assist to generate a new article's content from OpenAI using the title.
  4. Add your own OpenAI API key to Linus Assist

    Once you've used the free article generation quota, add your own OpenAI API key to keep using Linus Assist.
  5. Enable Linus Assist

    Follow these instructions to enable Linus Assist.
  6. Use Linus Assist to generate content for an existing article

    Use Linus Assist within the Modern Editor to generate content for an existing article.
  7. Generate article from title

    Use Linus Assist to banish writer's block and generate an article's content from its title.
  8. Use Linus Assist to create your first article

    Use Linus Assist to generate the content for your first article. Because writer's block shouldn't prevent you from trying out KnowledgeOwl!
  9. What is Linus Assist?

    Defy writer's block. Use Linus Assist to generate article content based on your article's title.
  10. Linus Assist

    Get unblocked: Use Linus Assist to have AI generate article content based on the title