New Articles

  1. Fix for Subscriptions with multiple SSO knowledge bases

    We've fixed a bug that was preventing subscription notification emails from going out to SSO readers logging in to multiple knowledge bases.
  2. How to update images & files (Nov. 30th)

    Learn several ways you can use features or processes to keep images and files in KnowledgeOwl up-to-date.
  3. Use tags + Manage filters for fast docs updates/audits (Nov. 16th)

    Learn the features and steps we use so that when we update documentation for a new release, we have total confidence we updated everything AND we can get it done within a few minutes.
  4. Which codes should I worry about?

    Working with broken links reports are more art than science. Here are some tips to help you improve your artistry.
  5. Who can run the Broken Links Report?

    Our default Editor and Writer roles have permission to generate the Broken Links Report. If you're using a custom author role , that role must have the Tools Permission to Run Broken Links Report . ...
  6. Change to SSO reader validation

    We've removed the email address format enforcement when editing SSO readers.
  7. Updates to Broken Links Report

    Broken Links Report now has an explicit custom author role permission and gets three new columns: Link Type, Author, and Last Modified Author.
  8. Fix for deleting tags or reader groups

    Deleting tags from articles and deleting reader groups from authors was causing some issues when multiple tags/groups were assigned.
  9. How to get the most from glossary (Oct.26th)

    Join us at 2pm EDT for a session on how to structure your glossary terms and definitions to get the most from glossary functionality.
  10. Fix for Subscription emails not sending

    We had an issue with subscription notification emails scheduled to go out at 9am EDT and 10am EDT; that issue was resolved and subscriptions resumed proper generation on 19 October.