New Articles

  1. Configure your KB access

    Learn what features are available for public knowledge bases, public knowledge bases with some private content, and private knowledge bases.
  2. Set up your domain

    Learn how to set your KnowledgeOwl subdomain and root path, or get started with a private domain.
  3. Look & feel

    Check out these resources to give your knowledge base the look and feel to match your branding.
  4. Purpose & audience

    Work through these questions to define and clarify your knowledge base's purpose, audience, and goals.
  5. Get oriented in the app

    Get familiar with the KnowledgeOwl app.
  6. The KnowledgeOwl app vs. a knowledge base

    Learn the difference between the KnowledgeOwl app and your knowledge base--and how to access each.
  7. How are KnowledgeOwl knowledge bases structured?

    Learn the content creation and hierarchy options within your knowledge base.
  8. What is a knowledge base?

    Learn what a knowledge base is.
  9. Log4j vulnerability

    Our assessment is that CVE-2021-44228 does not pose a serious risk to KnowledgeOwl or our customers. We'll be continuing to monitor as more of our vendors provide updates.
  10. Export a list of authors

    Learn how to export a list of your authors.