New Articles

  1. Reorder and move categories

  2. Visibility and permissions

    Configure category settings, visibility, and access permissions.
  3. Edit a category

    Open a category for editing, organize your content, and add internal notes.
  4. Create a category

    Learn about category creation and category types.
  5. Topic articles: Now in PDFs

    We've added topic articles to some article PDF downloads--read on to see where and how your PDFs might be affected!
  6. Manage Articles: new filter option + bug fixes

    We've added a Manage filter to display only untagged articles and fixed a few bugs with filters and sorting/searching.
  7. Create a list of articles from a specific category

    Use this API snippet to generate a list of articles from a specific category. Use variables to pull the current article's immediate category or top-level category or hard-code a specific category.
  8. Upload and edit files

    To use the examples we provide in our Postman collection, you must do some extra setup: Either place the file you want to upload in your Postman working directory, or enable reading all files. Refer to the Postman documentation for more informat...
  9. Delete articles in bulk in Manage

    Learn how to delete multiple articles at once using the Manage Articles page.
  10. Document your knowledge base's setup

    Once you've finished setting up and configuring your knowledge base, use this template to document those decisions.