This release includes bugfixes for editing glossary terms and the reader username merge code, plus Preview Changes for Style Settings, a new create version workflow, and a new body merge code.
We'd love if you would provide an honest review of KnowledgeOwl at SoftwareReviews . We're new to the site, but we're excited that they offer an "Emotional Footprint" of the products they provide details on. Would you be willing to write a revie...
Limit results You can limit the number of objects returned per page in your query results. To do this, add "limit": to your query parameters. For example, to get all articles in your knowledge base, limited to 20 objects per page, add "limit":...
This article has described one method of creating REST API documentation from an OpenAPI spec in KnowledgeOwl. If you want to use it, it's worth spending time reading Redoc's README and documentation . You can also view our own endpoint docs as...