New Articles

  1. API keys

    Learn how to create, edit, and delete API keys.
  2. API Authentication

    The API uses basic authentication . This means all API requests need to include a username and password. For the KnowledgeOwl API, the username must be an API key. The password can be any dummy value, such as x. Refer to API keys for information ...
  3. Working with APIs

  4. Using the KnowledgeOwl API

  5. Introducing the KnowledgeOwl API

    The KnowledgeOwl REST API provides a large collection of endpoints, allowing you to perform many of the same tasks that can be done through the GUI. This can be helpful in a variety of scenarios, including: Automating repeated tasks Bulk operatio...
  6. Prepopulate Widget 2.0 Contact Form fields

    Learn how to use the updateContact method to pre-populate the email and name fields in Widget 2.0's contact tab.
  7. National No Rhyme Nor Reason Day bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with Manage articles bulk edits, the Reporting Dashboard summary and CSV downloads, and reader bulk approvals.
  8. Widget iframe titles and a couple wording updates

    Widget 2.0 iframes get titles for accessibility, glossary alternate title becomes display title, and wording tweaks for inherited reader groups and reader groups in the editor.
  9. Nat'l Sponge 🧽 Cake 🍰 Day bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with file uploads in the legacy editor, article search in Manage Articles, and glossary term on-hover display. We also updated shared content category editing permissions.
  10. Delete an article

    Learn two ways to delete an article and set up redirects to other resources.