New Articles

  1. Working with APIs: Learn more

    There are lots of resources out there to learn more about APIs. Here are a few of our favorites. KnowledgeOwl API Read more about our own API in Using the KnowledgeOwl API and our Endpoint reference . General articles and tutorials about APIs ...
  2. What is a REST API?

    REST stands for "representational state transfer".  A REST API is a type of API designed for use on the web. It can perform actions such as getting or updating information in a database. It uses HTTP verbs, or methods, to indicate the type of actio...
  3. What is an API?

    API stands for "application programming interface".  In basic terms, APIs allow computer programs to talk to each other. The process is broadly the same regardless of the type of API: A client application initiates an API call  to retrieve info...
  4. Understand Redoc's standalone API docs

    Redoc offers several ways to create API docs. For our own documentation , we use a custom HTML element and Redoc's 'redoc.standalone.js' script. This works by loading the spec file and any configuration options set in the custom element, then assem...
  5. REST API documentation with content security headers

    If you have content security policy headers enabled in your knowledge base security settings, you cannot host the files in the KnowledgeOwl file library. The security settings prevent loading the JSON or YAML spec file. You can still load the fil...
  6. Create your API documentation

    Create a new article , or a custom content category .  In Display Settings , select Remove feedback ability , Remove comment ability , and Remove "Download to PDF" icon .  Host your spec file, choose your Redoc source, and make a note of th...
  7. API documentation prerequisites

    You need to have an OpenAPI spec file that is compatible with Redoc. If your spec file is version 3.0, make sure to use Redoc 2.0. Refer to Redoc's version guidance for more information. If you want to customize the look and feel of your API doc...
  8. REST API documentation in KnowledgeOwl

    When creating API documentation, very often you'll want to be able to automatically generate docs from a specification file or from the code. KnowledgeOwl does not have built-in support for this. However, it is possible to integrate with other tool...
  9. Synced knowledge base

    When you create a copy of a knowledge base, you can choose to make that a synced copy. Selecting this option will: Create the new (child or clone) knowledge base. Create all the top-level categories of the original/parent knowledge base as Shar...
  10. Glossary feature enhancements

    We've added a setting so that searching "glossary" helps direct readers to your glossary page, and added in-line edit and delete options when you're editing the glossary directly.