Updated Articles

  1. API input and output formats

    KnowledgeOwl's API accepts the following input types: Standard REST HTTP headers - ?field1=value&field2=value&array1[]=value1&array1[]=value2 Application/JSON - '{"field1": "value", "field2": &...
  2. Install Fancybox

    Follow these instructions to install Fancybox in your entire knowledge base or use it in specific articles only.
  3. Custom image captions

    How to create and format image captions
  4. Import from Zendesk

    Use our import tool to directly import Zendesk knowledge base content into KnowledgeOwl. You'll need to know your subdomain, have valid user credentials, and have a Zendesk API token.
  5. Import from Freshdesk

    Use our import tool to directly import Freshdesk knowledge base content into KnowledgeOwl. You'll need to know your Freshdesk subdomain and have a Freshdesk API token.
  6. How subscriptions work

    Learn how subscriptions work, how to trigger them, and who has control over which aspects.
  7. How the widget works

    One of the biggest concerns folks have when adopting a knowledge base is that toughest of questions: how do I get people to actually use my documentation? Very often, requiring that folks go to yet another website--like your KnowledgeOwl knowledge...
  8. How Related Articles work

    Get a broad overview of how Related Articles work.
  9. HTML Zip export overview

    The HTML Zip export creates a zip file containing files for each of your articles and folders for each category/subcategory. The export will also include an "images" folder at each level, which contains all the image files uploaded to your...
  10. Create a new standard

    Learn how to create a new standard in your CAPRA accreditation knowledge base.