Updated Articles

  1. HTTP response headers

    For added security, you can enable HTTP Response Headers and Content Security Policies.
  2. How to read the Broken Links Report

    Learn which columns are included in the Broken Links Report and what they contain.
  3. Icon panels styles

    If you're using the icon panels subcategory display in your categories, you may want to style those icon panels differently. We use the same styles for the Icon Panels subcategory display as we do for the homepage category panel icons . The ...
  4. Icon panels: Change panel background color/category title color

    Learn how to use custom CSS to change the colors used in your category icon panels--whether on your homepage, in individual categories, or everywhere!
  5. How search works: the basics

    Get a quick introduction to how search works in your knowledge base.
  6. Import glossary terms

    Already have a list of glossary terms and definitions? You can use the Import Terms option to import a CSV to populate your glossary!
  7. Image best practice intro

    Here are some general best practice guidelines for working with images and gifs in KnowledgeOwl.
  8. Homepage Merge Codes

    Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Home Page.  These merge codes will only work in the knowledge base home page; they will not work inside categories or articles. Homepage Mer...
  9. Default Home Page Article HTML (deprecated)

    This is the default HTML for Knowledge Base > Home Page , used as the default for knowledge bases created before 14 December 2022. You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. For ...
  10. HIPAA compliance

    Learn how to ensure your usage of KnowledgeOwl is HIPAA compliant.