Updated Articles

  1. Introducing the KnowledgeOwl API

    The KnowledgeOwl REST API provides a large collection of endpoints, allowing you to perform many of the same tasks that can be done through the GUI. This can be helpful in a variety of scenarios, including: Automating repeated tasks Bulk operatio...
  2. Intro to synonyms

    Learn more about what synonyms are and why you might want to use them.
  3. Individual article PDFs

    Learn the options available to format and style your individual article PDFs.
  4. Indexing

    The knowledge base index is where we store your article content and meta data after we process and optimize it for searching. When you save an article, we automatically digest and analyze your content for the index. This process involves: Strippi...
  5. Internal title

    For each article, besides adding a short title to be used in the table of contents, you can also add an internal title. Internal titles are used only within app.knowledgeowl.com - they aren't things your readers see when viewing the knowledge ...
  6. Internal category title

    For each category, you can add an internal title. Internal titles are used only within app.knowledgeowl.com - your readers do not see them when viewing the knowledge base. Internal titles can be useful when you have a lot of categories or subcate...
  7. Index large PDFs

    The search index will automatically scrape and index the contents of PDFs in articles. By default, we only index the content of PDFs under 100 pages long. If you have PDFs longer than 100 pages and you'd like them to be indexed for search, you&...
  8. Internal note

    Sometimes, you need a place to leave notes for other authors (or yourself) that isn't the Version Notes field. This might include notes on who the subject matter expert is, or that if you update this article, you should also update another art...
  9. Individual reviewer accounts

    Learn how to create individual reader accounts for reviewers or members of your organization.
  10. Included Tags vs. Excluded Tags

    Learn how the Included Tags and Excluded Tags options within Manage filters work.