Updated Articles

  1. KnowledgeOwl W-9

    Download a copy of KnowledgeOwl's W-9.
  2. June 3, 2019

    Feature Enhancements When bulk importing readers from a CSV, you now have the option to skip or update readers that already exist If there are duplicates within the bulk reader import CSV itself, we will throw a warning ask if you want to continu...
  3. June 5, 2019

    Feature Enhancements Deleting your search in the widget will now clear search results Added "Recommend On Pages" option to categories so that categories can be used as a suggested resource in the widget Bug Fixes In certain instance...
  4. Opening links to SSO knowledge bases from Microsoft Office

    Learn why links to your SSO-protected KB might not open in MS Office files--and how to fix it.
  5. Shared content articles

    When you create an article using the option to Share content from an existing article , it is considered a "child" article (the original is considered the "parent".) By default, child articles are excluded from search. To enabl...
  6. Why is my shared content article not showing up in search?

    When you create an article using the option to Share content from an existing article , it is considered a "child" article (the original is considered the "parent".) By default, child articles are excluded from search. To enabl...
  7. Working with APIs: Learn more

    There are lots of resources out there to learn more about APIs. Here are a few of our favorites. KnowledgeOwl API Read more about our own API in Using the KnowledgeOwl API and our Endpoint reference . General articles and tutorials about APIs ...
  8. KB Merge Codes

    Learn more about the merge codes available for use across your knowledge base.
  9. June 19, 2019

    Bug Fixes: When linking to an article from within another article, https://app.knowledgeowl.com/kb/article/id/..... was sometimes being added to the beginning of the article mergecode Updating an article that is the child shared content article f...
  10. June 20, 2019

    Feature Enhancements: When deleting a knowledge base, we will now display the name of the knowledge base you are trying to delete in the confirmation message Bug Fixes: The FontAwesome URL for KBs will now always specify HTTPS as the HTTP URL ...