Updated Articles

  1. Make all requests use your new private domain

    When your private domain is set up and your SSL cert is working correctly, try navigating to your private domain and confirm your knowledge base is loading. Once you've confirmed that, we recommend making two additional changes, both in Settin...
  2. Make individual articles required

    Mark articles as required and set a Start Date to have them show as required for your readers.
  3. Bulk edit articles to make them required reading

    Use the Bulk Edit tool in Manage to set multiple articles to be required with the same Start Date.
  4. Manually suggest Related Articles

    Learn more about manually adding Related Articles to your content.
  5. Link to article or category

    Use the Link to Article or Category option in the editor to create an ID-based hyperlink to an article or category in your knowledge base.
  6. Set your knowledge base time zone, date, and language

    Learn how to set the timezone and date/time setting your knowledge base uses.
  7. Choose your layout

    Learn what layout options are available and how they impact your theme.
  8. Limit the max characters allowed in comments

    If you're getting long/spammy comments in your knowledge base, consider using this script to limit how many characters someone can submit.
  9. Keep glossary header visible when scrolling

    Use these steps to keep the Glossary header and letter navigation visible at all times on the Glossary page.
  10. KnowledgeOwl status page

    Real-time and historical data on KnowledgeOwl outages and other incidents.