New Articles

  1. Article Display Options

    You can put both articles and subcategories into default categories. The Article Display Options help you control where the articles display in relation to the categories: Below subcategories (default) This option will display an Articles header...
  2. Subcategory Display Types

    Default categories support four subcategory display types: Icon panels Displays each category and its icon in a panel. If no icon has been added to the category, we'll display one of four default icons. With this layout, you can: Set how many ...
  3. Table of Contents Options

    These options control the behavior of the category in the table of contents: Toggle When this option is selected, when someone clicks on or selects the category in the table of contents, the category will expand to show its contents (or collapse...
  4. Topic Display Category Layout Options

    Here's what each of the topic display category Layout Options does: Default This option displays the full body of all articles on the topic display category page. The topic display category title is a Heading 1; each article title is a Heading...
  5. Topic Display Category Display Options

    Here's what each of the topic display category Display Options does: Quick links When checked, this setting automatically generates and displays a clickable table of contents at the top of the category. If an Intro article is used, the Quick...
  6. Category Short Title

    By default, the category's Full Category Title is what will display across your knowledge base. If this title is very long, you can add a Short Title . The category's Short Title is used in the table of contents. The Full Category Title is used ev...
  7. Reuse Flags

    The Reuse Flags section allows you to mark this article for two types of content reuse: template article and topic article.
  8. Author Teams

    By default, all authors can edit all content in your knowledge base. If you'd like to prevent certain authors from editing articles or categories, you can create Author Teams for your authors and restrict articles or categories to editing by spec...
  9. Reader Groups

    If you have individual readers logging in to your knowledge base, Reader Groups allow you to display content only to specific groups and assign which readers should see which content. Use the Restrict to Groups option to restrict the current ar...
  10. Article Short Title

    If your Full Article Title is very long, you can choose to add a Short Title for use in navigation. If it's defined, the Short Title is used in the table of contents instead of the Full Article Title. If the article is within a topic display ca...