New Articles

  1. August 2023

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  2. July 2023

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  3. Readers vs. Authors

  4. Search feature overview

  5. 2 minute demo of KnowledgeOwl

  6. Reporting feature overview

  7. How to start building your knowledge base

  8. URL Redirect

    Want to include resources that aren't categories or articles, and might not even be in KnowledgeOwl? No problem. Use URL redirects to direct your readers to other websites, external resources, or specific files. To use this feature, check the box ...
  9. Recommend On Pages

    If you're using our Contextual Help Widget , use this section to identify which pages in your source website you want this content to be recommended on. Use a relative page path for your recommendations, like /app/documentation rather than http...
  10. Related Articles

    Add articles or categories here to have them display in the Related Articles section (usually located in the footer of your article). Click on the arrows and drag to reorder the list, or use the X to remove a related article. ...