New Articles

  1. Resolve payment

    Learn more about how to remove the account past due banner or pop-up from your account.
  2. Settings > Style: Favicon upload

    We've added an option to upload your own favicon to Settings > Style.
  3. New topic display category option: Hide category description

    You can now check a box in the category editor to hide a topic display category's description.
  4. 🦐 Nat'l Shrimp Day bugfixes

    These fixes address bugs with versions, the table of contents, Favorites, and Content Security Policies.
  5. Change the default text of the reader signup form

    Learn how to customize the text displayed in the reader signup form.
  6. Customize the text for your Reader Login page!

    We've added the Reader Login page to the Customize Text tool, so you can customize all the text, buttons, field prompts, and more!
  7. Font updates

    We've shifted from using Google Fonts API to hosting fonts ourselves, added 7 new fonts, and updated our pre-built Font Pairs.
  8. Section breakdown: Reader Login

    Learn about the options to customize text on your reader login page, including password reset and reader signups.
  9. Introducing the new Help menu 📃

    We've turned our in-app Help link into a full dropdown menu with more options.
  10. Topic display category tabs layout (April 26th)

    In this session, we'll walk through the new tabs display option for topic display categories and the changes to the category editor layout.