New Articles

  1. Add the Required Reading flag to your article template

    Add the Required Reading flag merge code into your Custom HTML Article template wherever you'd like the flag to appear.
  2. Required Reading overview

    Learn more about setting up required reading. When a reader views an article that is required, they'll see a message in the article itself and a checkbox to acknowledge that they've read it.
  3. Advanced Search video walkthrough

    See a recording of our live Wisdom Wednesday session introducing folks to Advanced Search.
  4. New Widget 2.0 method: Reset

    We've added a reset method to Widget 2.0 so you can programmatically clear the widget's contents before feeding something new in.
  5. September 27th: SMTP changes and Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP

    Join us on September 27th to learn about the new Your Account > SMTP menu, the migration of all SMTP services into that menu, and Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP.
  6. ❗We've moved SMTP configurations to Your Account!

    We've migrated all existing SMTP configurations into a new SMTP menu in Your Account to make creating, maintaining, using, and auditing SMTP services easier.
  7. 📨 New SMTP option: Microsoft OAuth2

    We've added support for Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP.
  8. Customize Text: Article Lists

    We've added the New, Popular, Updated, Recent, and Favorites article lists to the Customize Text Tool!
  9. 🍋Nat'l Lemon Juice Day bugfixes

    These fixes address bugs with Font Awesome icons in PDFs and the editor, tag search, and readers' group membership display.
  10. Update Homepage with Customize Text merge code

    If your article lists live in Homepage, follow these instructions to update their headings so they'll accept the Customize > Default text strings.