New Articles

  1. Additional content options

    Learn what each of the additional content options will add.
  2. Broken Links Report overview

    Learn about the Broken Links Report.
  3. Default author roles

    Learn about the default Writer and Editor roles and the differences between them.
  4. Author roles & custom roles

    KnowledgeOwl includes a default Editor and Writer role, but you can create custom roles to provide more nuanced permission control. Learn more about the default roles and creating custom roles here.
  5. Author Teams

    You can create author teams to restrict editing of content to members of a specific team. Learn more about how to use them.
  6. Authors

    Learn what author accounts are and how to administer them.
  7. Reader security, passwords, and login options

    Learn about the settings for reader password expiration and complexity, Google login, and SSO login for readers.
  8. Widget methods and functions dictionary

    See available variables, methods, and functions for use with Contextual Help Widget 2.0.
  9. Bulk reader import tweaks

    We've added a more detailed progress bar and confirmation message to the readers import process.
  10. Custom Widget Javascript

    Learn how to add custom Javascript to your widget.