Updated Articles

  1. Priority Support

    All KnowledgeOwl customers receive complimentary email and phone support. Business and Enterprise Extras customers have priority support, which means that their requests are addressed first by our team.  Enterprise customers also have a dedica...
  2. Primary search language

    Primary search language The primary search language determines how we perform the stemming to reduce the words to their root form. You can set this in Settings > Search in the Language section: Why does primary search language matter? The ...
  3. No login required (publicly available)

    Learn how to make your self-assessment knowledge base publicly viewable.
  4. API query operators

    The KnowledgeOwl API supports a selection of query operators, allowing you to add logic to the body of your API calls. This means you can do things like search for a particular name or term, or filter your results. This section lists all the avail...
  5. Private domain overview

    Get an overview of the process to use your own private domain with your knowledge base.
  6. Purge and fully remove files

    Upon your request, we can fully remove and purge all deleted files from your File Library.
  7. Reader signup overview

    If your knowledge base is set up so that some or all readers must login to see content and you're using KnowledgeOwl reader accounts rather than an SSO integration , you can allow your readers to sign up for access. This can help reduce adminis...
  8. Reader-specific analytics

    For customers with knowledge bases that require login, one of the most common questions we get asked in the analytics and reporting discussion is: can I see what individual readers are doing in my knowledge base? Currently, KnowledgeOwl doesn't...
  9. Published date

    Learn how to set, update, and remove a published date on an article (and why you might want to!).
  10. Reader email delivery issues

    Learn how to identify and resolve reader email address delivery issues.