Int'l Day of Peace ☮ bug fixes

The International Day of Peace (also known as World Peace Day), was designated as a 24-hour ceasefire and celebration of peace. Even if you missed the minute of silence at mid-day, we hope today has been a calm, nonviolent day for you.

Our devowlopers have been hard at work fixing bugs and releasing updates to KnowledgeOwl. Here are some of the bugs we've fixed lately:

  • Popular Articles Report: we fixed a rather nasty bug with this report. Ordinarily, views that are logged as an author or admin (when you're already logged in to and you've used the View KB or View Article links, for example) are not tracked in any way. However, we discovered that while regular views for authors weren't being tracked, quality views were. This has caused several data inconsistencies:
    • For content which has no normal reader views but did have these author quality views tracked, you'll see 0 regular views, a quality view count, a quality score well over 100%, and a Last Viewed date in the year 1969. T
    • For content which also had normal reader views, you might see quality views higher than regular views and quality scores over 100%.
    • We've fixed the bug that was allowing quality views to be tracked here, but we strongly recommend resetting the view data for any content displaying the above data characteristics.
  • Customers testing out our new article banners and thumbnails noticed that if you add the merge code to your Article HTML, and then don't upload a relevant file, a broken image link and text were being displayed. We've fixed this so if you are using the merge code and haven't added any files, nothing is displayed.
  • In the detailed breadcrumb in Widget 2.0 (accessible by clicking the list icon next to the home button when you're viewing content), the > icon was missing. This was our oversight migrating some style files as part of an infrastructure update earlier this year; we've updated it to load the icons (and perform a bit faster in the process).
  • By default, our knowledge bases are created with the Contact Form enabled. But customers who'd never edited it were reporting that the form wouldn't properly work and load icons, etc., until it had been manually saved. And the email address that the contact form submissions was sent two was blank until you manually updated it, too. We've updated this in two ways:
    • When you create a new knowledge base, your email address will automatically be set up as the Send To email address for the contact form, so you won't lose contact form submissions.
    • The form will work out of the box without requiring any additional saves.
  • Customers who updated their credit card using our Baremetrics integration, and then later tried to update the credit card from Your Account > Account, reported that the second update didn't seem to save. We've updated the logic here so that you can update from either place and it will be equally recognized and saved.
  • Link to article: In the editor, if you click on a hyperlink to an article that was created using the Link to article option, and you are in an inactive version, and you clicked the option to Open Link, the Open Link would open to an error page. We've fixed this so these hyperlinks will open properly from inactive versions.
  • In the editor, if your connection timed out or you were logged off, and you then log back in and immediately tried to create or edit an Internal note, the internal note would actually save an image of the KnowledgeOwl dashboard you see when you login, rather than your note. We've fixed the session check here so it properly handles the refreshed session and saves your internal note properly!
  • In the Old links pop-up in the editor, if you include characters that might indicate a full URL rather than a permalink slug (such as https:// or http://), we'll now display a warning letting you know we're going to strip those characters out.
  • Shared content categories: in cases where you are prevented from editing an article because it's synced to another knowledge base you don't have access to, we previously were kicking you back to the Articles page with an error message. We've updated this workflow so that it will now open the article in the editor in a locked format, with a more detailed error message, so you have a better idea of what's going on. This updates the Updates to editor permissions framework.
  • Also with Shared content categories: If you've deleted a knowledge base that had a shared content category, in some situations you'd still be prevented from editing content in your remaining knowledge base. We've updated the knowledge base deletion workflow so that it severs all synced content relationships as it deletes. If you are seeing deleted knowledge bases prevent you from editing content still, please contact our support team so that we can re-activate and re-delete the knowledge base so it recognizes those changes!

We'll have some more fixes coming out soon, but hopefully these keep you busy. Also, if you made it this far: what's your opinion on "devowlopers" as an owl-themed word for "developers"? Does it work? Or does it just look like devow-lopers to you? I struggled with this one and would love your feedback.