New Articles

  1. May 13, 2019

    Feature Enhancements Added support for SVG image markup in the modern article editor Bug Fixes PUT API calls to the /reader endpoint were failing if the reader's email address was not included in the call When editing a non-published version ...
  2. Use the Modern Widget for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages

    Learn how to recommend specific content when the Modern widget is opened from specific pages on your app or website.
  3. May 6, 2019

    Feature Enhancements When a new article is added as recommended via Reporting → Widget → Recommended Article Weights → Add Article, the page will now automatically appear in the article's "Recommend On Pages" in the article editor When editing an...
  4. April 25, 2019

    Feature Enhancements Added more graceful handling of displaying categories in the modern widget. We will display the category contents within the widget itself if we can. If we can't, we provide a link to allow the end-user to open the category in...
  5. April 18, 2019

    Bug Fixes URL redirect articles were not displaying correctly within default type categories that had the display in-line option chosen When KO authors who are restricted to reader groups logged in through a knowledge base reader login page inste...
  6. April 16, 2019

    Bug Fixes When 2 topic categories were in sync and one of the topic articles was updated in the child topic category, the parent topic category was not updated until it was re-saved. Confused? So were we.
  7. April 15, 2019

    UI Improvements: When deleting an article or category from the Articles page, we will now display the name of what you are deleting in the confirmation message When deleting multiple files from the file library, we will now display a list of each...
  8. Create expanding/collapsing sections in an article

    Learn how to use scripts to create accordion expanding/collapsing sections of content in your articles.
  9. Tag Searches

    You can search for articles by tag, rather than keyword, by putting a colon before the start of the word. This format works in both autosuggest and full text search modes. Sample tag search in Full Text Search Tag search case sensitivity Tag...
  10. April 10, 2019

    Enhancements All new knowledge bases will now have the "Force SSL" option enabled by default When creating a copy of a knowledge base, a warning message with more information will be presented if the "Create a synced copy" option is checked Bug...