New Articles

  1. April 3, 2018

    Bug Fixes Minor file picker fixes for new styles Fixed TOC caching issue in preview
  2. April 2, 2018 - Round Two

    Bug Fixes Second round of bug fixes for the new styles, including breadcrumb styles and browsing file library from articles Fixed error in preview for kb with private domains Fixed intermittent search issue with glossary terms ...
  3. April 2, 2018 - Round One

    Bug Fixes First round of bug fixes for the new styles, including search/sort not working in the glossary, readers, or file library
  4. March 29, 2018

    Bug Fix Article tag merge codes in topic display category pages weren't rendering properly.
  5. Article 1, 2018

    General updates New look and feel for the applications. Mainly new colors, icons, and buttons with a few UI/UX enhancements. Updated the new editor to the most recent version. This includes new icons.  We replaced the new/legacy editor callout a...
  6. Brand New Look

    It's been quite a while since we've updated the look of the application. With spring in the air (for those of us in the upper hemisphere at least), the time felt right for a fresh new style. Don't worry! We've left the application functionality and...
  7. How do I contact support?

    Use our widget to email your questions, comments, or concerns to our support team.
  8. GDPR

    Learn about KnowledgeOwl's GDPR compliance.
  9. March 18, 2018

    Feature Requests Added new classes to the reader login/logout button based on state Updated the new URL Redirect features name for clarify Added the ability for the contact form email fields to send to multiple emails using comma-separated lists...
  10. March 16, 2018

    Feature Requests Added norobots to PDF endpoints so search engines will not index them