New Articles

  1. Style Settings rollback to previous save

    You can now rollback to the three previous saves of Settings > Style.
  2. Search Settings consolidation

    We've moved all search-related settings into Settings > Search and updated the wording to be clearer.
  3. Sync behavior in shared content categories

    The shared content category allows you to pull in and sync the content from a category in a separate knowledge base. You must have access to both knowledge bases to set up this kind of category. This category type is useful when you are maintaining...
  4. Why aren't some of my shared content articles showing up in search?

    By default, KnowledgeOwl will hide child articles from search. Shared content articles and articles in synced categories are considered "child" articles if they're one of the shares or copies. To solve this issue, you can include child articles in ...
  5. Shared content articles

    Learn how synced content works.
  6. Shared & synced content in Write the docs

    Learn about how shared content articles and synced categories work.
  7. Bypass contact form self-serve

    Use these steps to skip the contact form's initial search and self-serve prompts and take your readers straight to the final form to submit it.
  8. Widget 2.0 + Snippet merge codes in titles

    When snippet merge codes are used in article and category titles, Widget 2.0 properly replaces the merge code with the snippet's body.
  9. Exclude a category and all its content from search results

    Have you ever wished you could exclude an entire category's contents from search, all at once? Maybe you have a category where you include content specific to particular customers, where you provide them a URL and otherwise hide that category from s...
  10. Can I exclude an entire category--and all its articles--from search?

    You can exclude one category--and all of its contents--from search automatically using our Exclude category from search setting. You can also always exclude individual articles from search using the "Exclude from search results" checkbox in the...