New Articles

  1. Customize your reader password reset emails

    Learn how to edit the template for your reader password reset emails.
  2. How custom SMTP from/reply impacts the email template from/reply to fields

    Learn how the SMTP from/reply to email address feels interact with the reader email template from/reply to fields.
  3. Customize your reader welcome emails

    Learn how to edit the template for your reader welcome emails.
  4. Configure SMTP for reader emails

    Configure your reader emails to use your own or a third-party SMTP email server to ensure email delivery and recognition.
  5. Exclude category from search

    You can now completely exclude an entire category and all its content from search results.
  6. Use your own SMTP provider for reader emails

    You can now set up your reader welcome emails and reader password reset emails to be sent through an SMTP provider.
  7. Bulk reader import bug fix + new API snippet variable

    Two small changes for today: In the reader bulk importer , we discovered that if you had the same reader name twice, but one of the rows had trailing blank spaces, the bulk reader importer wouldn't identify them as duplicates. It would strip the t...
  8. Kinder, easier SSL certs with Let's Encrypt integration

    We're now integrated with Let's Encrypt to provide free, auto-renewing SSL certificates to all of our customers.
  9. Glossary formatting

    To use the glossary, you'll need to create glossary terms and give each term a definition . You can also include an optional display title . The term is the word that you expect someone to see in your documentation; the definition is the defini...
  10. When one glossary term contains another glossary term

    Sometimes, you might have a glossary term that is contained in a longer glossary term. For example, I might have glossary terms defined for check and price check . If you use these terms in the same article, the automatic highlighting won't alwa...