New Articles

  1. Fix for bulk publishing of versions in ready for review state

    We just recently announced the ability to use Manage > Bulk Edit to publish versions marked "ready for review." One of our customers testing the new feature noticed some glitches with the version notes field when articles were bulk published. In s...
  2. Internal category title

    For each category, you can add an internal title. Internal titles are used only within - your readers do not see them when viewing the knowledge base. Internal titles can be useful when you have a lot of categories or subcate...
  3. Internal title

    For each article, besides adding a short title to be used in the table of contents, you can also add an internal title. Internal titles are used only within - they aren't things your readers see when viewing the knowledge base...
  4. Introducing category internal titles

    We've added internal category titles so you can set a separate internal administrative title for categories to avoid confusion.
  5. Updates to Knowledge Base > Manage Articles

    These updates add new Bulk Edit options for versions and excluding articles from search and navigation, plus fix several bugs with Manage and custom author roles.
  6. Display images side-by-side

    Here are three different techniques for displaying images side-by-side in your documentation.
  7. Linked content + suggest API endpoint updates

    We released some bug fixes for linked content that impacts the content itself as well as the suggest API endpoint. Linked content is content that is automatically synchronized within KnowledgeOwl--updating it in one place will automatically update ...
  8. Add a link to the upper right (top navigation)

    Learn how to add a link to the upper right of your knowledge base.
  9. Roadmap

    See an overview of our largest upcoming projects.
  10. Transition checklist: from Modern Widget to Widget 2.0

    If you're using the Modern Slideout widget (now deprecated), here are the steps you should consider to transition to Widget 2.0.