Popular Articles

  1. Configuring subscriptions

    The configuration options in this section will help you set up subscriptions in your knowledge base.
  2. What's the difference between admin managed and self-administered reader passwords?

    Learn the difference between admin-managed passwords and self-administered passwords for reader accounts.
  3. Plans and trials FAQ

  4. Broken link checker & report

    Use the Broken Link Checker to generate a report of all the broken links in your knowledge base.
  5. Customize default text

    Use Customize > Default text to customize the default text strings we use at various places across your knowledge base to truly make your knowledge base your own.
  6. Search FAQs

  7. Adding images and files to articles

  8. Revisions

    Learn about the revisions KnowledgeOwl tracks, how to view a revision history, compare revisions, and recover previous revisions.
  9. Customize Contact Form link

    Don't like the default "Contact Us" label used in your top navigation? Use Customize Default text to change it.
  10. How search works: advanced

    Ever wanted to understand how the various pieces of search work together to return results? This section's for you.