Popular Articles

  1. Revisions

    Learn about the revisions KnowledgeOwl tracks, how to view a revision history, compare revisions, and recover previous revisions.
  2. Plans and trials FAQ

  3. How to use your own domain

    Learn everything you need to do to set up your knowledge base to use your own domain rather than a KnowledgeOwl subdomain.
  4. GDPR

    Learn about KnowledgeOwl's GDPR compliance.
  5. Limit the max characters allowed in comments

    If you're getting long/spammy comments in your knowledge base, consider using this script to limit how many characters someone can submit.
  6. Customize Contact Form Link

    Don't like the default "Contact Us" label used in your top navigation? Use the Customize Text tool to change it.
  7. Create a new article

    Learn how to create a new article from scratch, reuse other articles, and use article templates.
  8. Use the KnowledgeOwl API

    Learn more about the purpose of the KnowledgeOwl API, authentication, and how to get started with using the API.
  9. Customize style or layout with HTML/CSS

    Learn how to access and edit the Custom HTML templates and Custom CSS for your knowledge base.
  10. Reader Groups

    Learn how to use reader groups to segregate content.