Popular Articles

  1. Zapier and KnowledgeOwl webhooks

    How to use Zapier with KnowledgeOwl's webhooks.
  2. July 11, 2017

    Feature Requests New setting to automatically approve comments New option in content list subcategory display type to show all content (not only the first 5) Ability to create trials with more than 1 kb or author from the website Bug Fixes F...
  3. March 27, 2017

    Feature Requests Import glossary terms in bulk Ability to set from/reply to for comment notification emails Remove the quick delete option for snippets so you have to confirm deletion Ability to restrict access to SSO while still allowing reade...
  4. June 29, 2017

    Feature Requests New permissions in custom roles to restrict the ability to: Edit home page Add, edit, and delete glossary terms Edit and delete files in the file library Wider label displays in the file library Shared articles now display ...
  5.  Versions & revisions (May 24th)

    Join us this Wednesday, May 24th, for part one in a two-part WW series on versions! This session, we'll cover an overview of versions and revisions, version activation, and version best practices.
  6. May 31, 2017

    Bug Fixes Widget search wasn't working properly when hitting enter/return In certain situations, restricted articles were incorrectly displaying in new and updated widgets Topic merge codes were displaying in article blurbs Snippets were di...
  7. Configure SMTP for reader emails

    Configure your reader emails to use your own or a third-party SMTP email server to ensure email delivery and recognition.
  8. April 27, 2017

    Feature Requests Gated cascading reader logic Previously if you restricted a category to a group or groups, you could only further restrict within those groups. Now you can restrict a higher level category to a group(s) while restricting content w...
  9. How do I stay up-to-date on KnowledgeOwl?

    Here's how you can stay up-to-date on all things KnowledgeOwl: Use this sign-up form to opt in to one of our mailing lists to received updates on: New blog posts Critical Admin Updates (retiring technology or major changes to the way Knowl...
  10. Readers overview

    Learn what readers are and become familiar with the Readers interface.