Popular Articles

  1. Content audit cycle

    Learn different audit approaches and related KnowledgeOwl features to create your knowledge base audit cycle.
  2. SSO Advanced options

    Need some additional behavior from your SAML SSO integration? One of these advanced options may be just what you're looking for.
  3. February 1, 2018

    Feature Requests Switch magic wand styles from paragraph styles to div styles Added the ability to create webhooks for specific categories Added code syntax tool to new editor Bug Fixes Added gridlines when inserting a table (border by defau...
  4. March 13, 2018

    Bug Fixes Contact form search displaying incorrect date updated
  5. October 4, 2017

    Feature Requests Added an optional WYSIWYG to snippet. You can now choose between the WYSIWYG and code editor inside snippets. Added reader group restrictions to snippets. Cursor is now focused inside the text area when adding article links, s...
  6. Create a tag

    Create new tags in the Tags library or by adding tags to articles or categories.
  7. May 28, 2018

    Feature Requests New setting to allow the indexing of large PDFs (greater than 100 pages). Previously we were not indexing large PDFs as they would show up in most searches. This is still the default but you can override it now under Settings > Ba...
  8. Look & feel

    Check out these resources to give your knowledge base the look and feel to match your branding.
  9. Updates to topic display categories

    The following features and functionality have been added to topic display categories: They look like articles!  Topic display categories will now have the same template as your articles. This allows them to have share options (download to PDF, p...
  10. Choose your font

    Learn how to change the fonts used in your knowledge base in Customize Style to different preloaded fonts.