Popular Articles

  1. Introducing Version Notes

    Version Notes are now available for all published articles and versions! Version Notes give you a new internal article field that your readers will never see. How to use Version Notes Use Version Notes to: Add notes about what you've upda...
  2. December 29, 2017

    Feature Requests Added merge code for meta description: [template(" meta-description ")] Added article export tool to Manage Bug Fixes Couldn't add authors to kbs
  3. April 16, 2018 Round Two

    Bug Fixes Fix for private files not consistently displaying in widget using OATH authentication
  4. March 16, 2018

    Feature Requests Added norobots to PDF endpoints so search engines will not index them
  5. February 8, 2018

    Feature Requests Added support for Author SSO to match on something other than email
  6. October 4, 2017

    Feature Requests Added an optional WYSIWYG to snippet. You can now choose between the WYSIWYG and code editor inside snippets. Added reader group restrictions to snippets. Cursor is now focused inside the text area when adding article links, sav...
  7. December 18, 2017

    Feature Requests Added reCAPTCHA for public contact forms
  8. New feature: Archived Publishing Status 📁

    We've added an Archived publishing status to help you better classify unpublished content.
  9. February 1, 2018

    Feature Requests Switch magic wand styles from paragraph styles to div styles Added the ability to create webhooks for specific categories Added code syntax tool to new editor Bug Fixes Added gridlines when inserting a table (border by defau...
  10. March 13, 2018

    Bug Fixes Contact form search displaying incorrect date updated