Popular Articles

  1. June 21, 2018

    Bug Fixes The new articles widget and page were displaying articles with published dates before those without, leading to confusion. Sub-categories were losing their parent property in the API. Some articles weren't displaying in the application...
  2. April 13, 2018

    Bug Fixes Duplicate reader warning was displaying when editing existing readers and preventing updates
  3. July 21, 2018

    Feature Requests Added back the ability to have capital letters and periods in permalink redirect URLs. Added a new landing page for deleted/cancelled/non-existent knowledge base URLs. Bug Fixes Articles with hidden from search displayed in r...
  4. April 2, 2018 - Round One

    Bug Fixes First round of bug fixes for the new styles, including search/sort not working in the glossary, readers, or file library
  5. Add page numbers to PDFs

    Learn how to add page numbers into your individual article PDFs, standard PDF export, and custom PDF exports.
  6. July 31, 2018

    Bug Fixes Files not caching properly (testing a change)
  7. Add images to articles: Modern Editor

    Learn how to insert an image into your articles using Modern Editor.
  8. Update wording in the Contact Form

    Customize the wording in your Contact Form using Customize Default text and the Contact Form Text settings.
  9. Merge tags

    Follow these steps to merge two tags together.
  10. July 16, 2018

    Bug Fixes Zendesk app was not properly encoding HTML when creating new articles. Created a support tool to clean up article links on deleted content.