Popular Articles

  1. Protect Widget 2.0 Contact Form with reCAPTCHA

    Learn what your recaptcha options are for Widget 2.0. Highly recommended if you're using Widget 2.0 with the Contact Form on a publicly-available site.
  2. Contact Form reporting with no ticket info stored in KnowledgeOwl

    Contact Form reporting now provides ticket date + submission info even if KO isn't storing details about the ticket submission.
  3. Enable favorites

    Learn how to enable article favorites.
  4. December 31st, 2018

    Bug fixes: Code block was not showing as an option in the modern article editor on smaller screens Added auto-highlighting glossary term support for text inside of <em>, <strong>, and <u> HTML elements ...
  5. April 5, 2019

    Feature Improvements Added two new API snippet merge codes: %cur_top_cat_id%, %cur_parent_cat_ids% These merge codes return the top level category ID and an array of all parent category IDs respectively Bug Fixes In some cases, new articles we...
  6. Custom content categories

    Custom content categories allow you to create your category landing page from scratch, much like an article. Like an article, custom content categories are included in search results. A custom content category is both an article and a category. If ...
  7. Manage Articles: Now with a Category Filter!

    We've added a category filter to the Manage Articles custom filters. Learn where it is and how to use it!
  8. How favorites work

    Learn how favorites work.
  9. June 3, 2019

    Feature Enhancements When bulk importing readers from a CSV, you now have the option to skip or update readers that already exist If there are duplicates within the bulk reader import CSV itself, we will throw a warning ask if you want to continu...
  10. Company Website
