Modern Editor now has an Insert Anchor tool, dropdowns to format your lists, table footers, more emojis, updated icons, and a cleaner look. Alert div styles have been replaced with paragraph styles.
In Manage Articles, we've renamed the existing Tags filter to "Included Tags" and added a new "Excluded Tags" filter. Learn more about these changes so you can start using them in your filters!
In Knowledge Base > Articles , in addition to reordering content inside the current level , you can also: Move articles and categories to the top category level Move articles and categories into other categories (note that some category ty...
Bug Fixes Ratings report - deleted articles : One of our sharp-eyed Reporting authors noticed that deleted articles and categories that had received ratings before they were deleted still sometimes showed up in the Article Ratings Report in t...
Reorder categories or articles by rearranging their order in Knowledge Base > Articles . Hover over the article or category you want to move. Click on the up and down arrow icon to the right of each category or article, and drag and drop the ...
Enhancements All new knowledge bases will now have the "Force SSL" option enabled by default When creating a copy of a knowledge base, a warning message with more information will be presented if the "Create a synced copy" option is checked Bug...