Feature Enhancements: When deleting a knowledge base, we will now display the name of the knowledge base you are trying to delete in the confirmation message Bug Fixes: The FontAwesome URL for KBs will now always specify HTTPS as the HTTP URL ...
Bug Fixes Some contact forms weren't suggesting articles (no search results). Some in-app searches weren't showing restricted articles. Some authors couldn't see restricted content in the app.
Learn more about setting up required reading. When a reader views an article that is required, they'll see a message in the article itself and a checkbox to acknowledge that they've read it.
Bug Fixes In certain rare cases, content categories were rendering incorrect information in full PDF and custom PDF downloads Certain canonical links that had query strings were not being properly encoded and were causing incorrect 404 errors ...
Features Added public subscriptions option to the (beta) reader subscriptions feature Bug fixes Searching in manage was limiting results to a max of 500 Embedded widget was throwing a JS error in some circumstances ...
Bug fixes: Prevent glossary terms with empty values from being created Auto-highlight glossary terms was having an issue if the text that contained the term started with a < symbol Copied knowledge bases were not being properly indexed for sear...