Popular Articles

  1. Shared & synced content

    Learn about how shared content articles and synced categories work.
  2. January 22nd, 2019

    Bug fixes: Prevent glossary terms with empty values from being created Auto-highlight glossary terms was having an issue if the text that contained the term started with a < symbol Copied knowledge bases were not being properly indexed for se...
  3. Widget 2.0 Contact Form: now with recaptcha!

    We've added reCAPTCHA V3 to the Contextual Help Widget 2.0 Contact tab. It's automatically added for customers with KO subdomains; those with private domains will need to add their own reCAPTCHA key.
  4. 💇Article Editor makeover: Righthand column edition

    We've given the righthand column of the article editor a major facelift and reordering. Learn about all the changes here!
  5. Customize category behavior in the table of contents

    Learn how to customize what happens when a reader clicks on a category in the table of contents in KnowledgeOwl.
  6. KnowledgeOwl W-9

    Download a copy of KnowledgeOwl's W-9.
  7. Restrict a category to certain readers

    Learn how to restrict a category or subcategory to certain readers in KnowledgeOwl.
  8. March 4, 2019

    Bug Fixes Brand new knowledge bases that never had basic settings changes were throwing an error when readers tried to subscribe to a category
  9. Choose your font

    Learn what the Style Settings Fonts controls will update.
  10. February 26, 2019

    Bug Fixes Links to knowledge base articles were not rendering correctly within HTML exports In some cases, reader subscriptions to sub-categories were not showing updated / new articles correctly in the outgoing emails Using the [template("...