Popular Articles

  1. Topic articles: Now in PDFs

    We've added topic articles to some article PDF downloads--read on to see where and how your PDFs might be affected!
  2. February 4, 2020

    Bug Fixes app.knowledgeowl.com  login : If you don't enter a username or password, the screen now throws a warning that you need to do so. Import content : We rolled out new custom role permissions a few weeks ago, including splitting out ...
  3. Update to our automatic copyright year script

    We recommend updating your automatic copyright year script!
  4. Use the KnowledgeOwl Webhooks Slack app

    Use the Authorize New Slack Endpoint button to send Slack messages about KnowledgeOwl events to a Slack channel of your choice.
  5. Use your own SMTP provider for reader emails

    You can now set up your reader welcome emails and reader password reset emails to be sent through an SMTP provider.
  6. Reset article ratings

    You can now delete/reset all ratings for one article or all articles in your knowledge base.
  7. Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)

    KnowledgeOwl maintains a Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) with the Cloud Security Alliance. Learn more about this security assessment and when you might need it.
  8. November 8, 2019

    Bug Fixes Navigating to a category from the "Recommended Page Report" in the widget reporting section of the application was not taking authors to the correct place In the Widget 2.0 beta, there was no way to customize the thank you text after en...
  9. June 28, 2019

    Bug Fixes: In certain cases, trying to add labels to files in bulk was not correctly applying the labels
  10.  New theme updates! (Dec. 14th)

    Join us to get a more detailed walkthrough of new theme merge codes/functionality and our new-from-scratch theme!