Updated Articles

  1. Billing

  2. Billing

  3. How do I add or remove knowledge bases?

    Refer to Add and remove knowledge bases for detailed instructions for your billing type.
  4. How do I add or remove author seats?

    Refer to Add and remove author seats for detailed instructions for your billing type.
  5. 🥒 Nat'l Pickle Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address issues with lists in the Editor, merge codes appearing in PDFs, and a missing customize text string. We're also looking for volunteers to try out our UI changes.
  6. 💇Category Editor makeover: Righthand column edition

    We've updated the category editor to use the same style righthand column as the article editor and made custom content category versions much easier to use.
  7. Why is an American company charging me, a non-American, sales tax?

    Are you checking out from outside the United States? Learn more about the sales tax charges you might see.
  8. Linus Assist

    Get unblocked: Use Linus Assist to have AI generate article content based on the title
  9. Create a new article

  10. Generate article from title

    Use Linus Assist to banish writer's block and generate an article's content from its title.