New Articles

  1. February 8, 2019

    Features Added public subscriptions option to the (beta) reader subscriptions feature Bug fixes Searching in manage was limiting results to a max of 500 Embedded widget was throwing a JS error in some circumstances ...
  2. Customize the search "No Results" message

    Learn how to use the Customize Text Tool to change the No results found message on your search results page.
  3. January 29th, 2019

    Bug fixes: In the embeddable widget, if the end-user opened an article and then navigated to a different article, the "Open in Full Site" link was not updating to the new article.  Google logins for both the application and the reader login page ...
  4. KnowledgeOwl W-9

    Download a copy of KnowledgeOwl's W-9.
  5. January 22nd, 2019

    Bug fixes: Prevent glossary terms with empty values from being created Auto-highlight glossary terms was having an issue if the text that contained the term started with a < symbol Copied knowledge bases were not being properly indexed for sear...
  6. Display Microsoft Office file in articles

    How to display Microsoft Office files directly in your articles.
  7. December 31st, 2018

    Bug fixes: Code block was not showing as an option in the modern article editor on smaller screens Added auto-highlighting glossary term support for text inside of , , and HTML elements
  8. December 3, 2018

    Bug Fixes Using "/" characters in article and category titles were excluding them from HTML export zips. Maintenance Removed the "Advanced Image Editor" option for images from the modern article editor — Adobe discontinued support for Aviary ...
  9. November 28, 2018

    Feature Requests Import content using multiple languages from Zendesk (contact support for more information) Bug Fixes Article Review time unit length was not letting you choose "years" Reader emails with apostrophes in them were not allowing...
  10. Set your footer copyright year to automatically update

    Set the copyright year in your footer to update automatically.