New Articles

  1. Enable and configure comments

    New knowledge bases have comments enabled by default, but you'll still want to configure them. Follow these instructions to make sure comments are set up in a way that makes sense for you!
  2. Add videos to your articles

    Learn how to add videos to your content.
  3. Article Lists

    Learn which automatic article lists are available and how they work.
  4. Recommended Article Weights

    In the Recommended tab ( Widget 2.0 ) or the Suggested Articles section ( Modern and Legacy widgets ), the recommended/suggested articles are populated using the Pages to Recommend On setting. But how does the widget determine the order to display...
  5. Articles Viewed from Remote Pages

    This section displays the Page Paths of all pages where someone opened the widget and/or where recommended articles have been configured. You can then use the Recommended Article Weights link next to each URL to update the order. ...
  6. Custom PDF exports

    Learn how to create, edit, download, and regenerate custom PDFs.
  7. Standard PDF export (Full PDF Download)

    The Standard PDF Export creates a PDF of all Published and Needs Review articles in your entire knowledge with a clickable table of contents. This PDF can optionally be displayed at the bottom of your table of contents to allow your readers to dow...
  8. Individual article PDFs

    Learn the options available to format and style your individual article PDFs.
  9. View comments pending approval

    The Reporting navigation displays a number and you'll receive emails when new comments are submitted, depending on your comments settings.
  10. Article templates

    Learn how to mark an article as a template so it can be used as a starting template for creating future articles.