New Articles

  1. Use Widget 2.0 for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages

    Learn how to have our Contextual Help Widget recommend content based on the specific page an end-user opens it from.
  2. Share articles between categories and knowledge bases

    You can use a single article in multiple categories and across knowledge bases. The content (body) of the article as well as all versions stay in sync across all shared articles. Each article can have its own title, restrictions, and callouts. These...
  3. Searches with no Results

    Sample Searches with no Results report   Each time a reader searches and gets no results found, that search is logged in the Searches with no Results report. The information we capture and display includes: Search Phrase : The exact phrase...
  4. Published Articles with 0 Views

    Sample Published Articles with 0 Views report The Published Articles with 0 Views report alerts you to content that is not getting hits. While it might mean the content is not useful to your readers, it could also mean that it is not getti...
  5. Popular Articles Report

    Sample Popular Articles report The Popular Articles report displays all your articles and categories based on number of views and quality views. This can help you determine which articles or categories are getting the most attention from y...
  6. Article Ratings Report

    Note: You must have the Ratings feature enabled and the ratings template added to your knowledge base for this report to work. Sample Article Ratings report The Article Ratings report displays all articles and categories that have rec...
  7. SCAYT Spell Check

    The SCAYT option is only for those using the Legacy editor. The Modern editor uses the built-in browser spell-check.
  8. Full and short titles

    Every article has its Full Article Title, which is what displays at the top of your article. There is also an optional short title, which is used in the table of contents.
  9. Create an article table of contents (TOC) from headers

    Learn how to use a script to automatically generate an article table of contents based on headers.
  10. Article callouts (New, Updated, and Video)

    These options add New, Updated, or video content badges in various places across your knowledge base.