Popular Articles

  1. Image best practices

    A collection of resources around image best practices generally and working with them in KnowledgeOwl
  2. Sync behavior in shared content categories

    The shared content category allows you to pull in and sync the content from a category in a separate knowledge base. You must have access to both knowledge bases to set up this kind of category. This category type is useful when you are maintaining...
  3. Reporting and analytics

    Think through what kinds of reporting, feedback, or analytics will help you answer questions to better manage your content or measure its success.
  4. November 9, 2018

    Feature Requests Added the ability to include and require reader custom fields 1-5 on the reader signup form Bug Fixes Removed the silly placeholder text from the signup form
  5. What does merging tags do?

    Learn what happens when you merge two tags together.
  6. How custom SMTP from/reply impacts the email template from/reply to fields

    Learn how the SMTP from/reply to email address feels interact with the reader email template from/reply to fields.
  7. Create a list of articles from a specific category

    Use this API snippet to generate a list of articles from a specific category. Use variables to pull the current article's immediate category or top-level category or hard-code a specific category.
  8. Determine your content hierarchy

    Getting your content layout right can be tricky; here are some tips from our own knowledge base reorganizations.
  9. Add page numbers to PDFs

    Learn how to add page numbers into your individual article PDFs, standard PDF export, and custom PDF exports.
  10. Deprecation of Modern & Legacy widget

    We will no longer be actively updating the Modern Slideout and Legacy widgets, but they will continue to work.