Popular Articles

  1. November 9, 2018

    Feature Requests Added the ability to include and require reader custom fields 1-5 on the reader signup form Bug Fixes Removed the silly placeholder text from the signup form
  2. Contact Form reporting with no ticket info stored in KnowledgeOwl

    Contact Form reporting now provides ticket date + submission info even if KO isn't storing details about the ticket submission.
  3. Create Articles From Word

    User requested ability to create multiple or a single article from a Microsoft Word document. Left to do: Create the front facing UX Handle all of the different options people might want
  4.  Get the most out of search (Oct. 12th)

    See the recording of the October 12th Wisdom Wednesday session on getting the most out of search.
  5. Fix missing favorites icon

    Fix the issue where favorites are enabled but you aren't seeing a star icon as a logged-in reader or author.
  6. Approve or delete comments

    Follow these steps to approve or delete new comments.
  7. Delete tags

    Learn how to delete tags from your knowledge base.
  8. Custom content category merge codes

    Use this list of merge codes to display subcategories and content in custom content categories.
  9. Widget methods and functions dictionary

    See available variables, methods, and functions for use with Contextual Help Widget 2.0.
  10. Manage Articles: Now with a Category Filter!

    We've added a category filter to the Manage Articles custom filters. Learn where it is and how to use it!