Popular Articles

  1. Our new Getting Started Guide!

    We've just published a totally rewritten Getting Started Guide, which contains a ton of new best practice guidance, templates, and resources.
  2. December 31st, 2018

    Bug fixes: Code block was not showing as an option in the modern article editor on smaller screens Added auto-highlighting glossary term support for text inside of , , and HTML elements
  3. January 17, 2020

    New save button options, last activity for authors, and a fix for a copy knowledge base bug.
  4. Icon panels: Change panel background color/category title color

    Learn how to use custom CSS to change the colors used in your category icon panels--whether on your homepage, in individual categories, or everywhere!
  5. June 3, 2019

    Feature Enhancements When bulk importing readers from a CSV, you now have the option to skip or update readers that already exist If there are duplicates within the bulk reader import CSV itself, we will throw a warning ask if you want to continu...
  6. Restrict a category to certain readers

    Learn how to restrict a category or subcategory to certain readers in KnowledgeOwl.
  7. Glossary page alternate titles

    Alternate titles for glossary terms let you display a different title on the Glossary page from what is used for automatic highlighting, and supports parentheses.
  8. Updates to "link to existing article" wording & messaging

    We've changed "linked article" to "shared content article", as this better describes what's actually happening: the articles are sharing content.
  9. March 9, 2019

    Features / Enhancements Added support for "muted" and "playsinline" HTML attributes in the modern article editor. These can be used to make webm videos display much like a gif image does Added an option to turn off fuzzy searching in search setti...
  10. The basics: editing standards

    Learn how to edit the standards in your CAPRA self-assessment knowledge base.