Popular Articles

  1. URL redirect categories + articles: file picker to easily redirect to KO files

    For URL redirects on categories and articles, we've added a file picker to easily set up redirects to KO-stored files.
  2. Edit authors and permissions

    Learn how to edit authors and permissions in KnowledgeOwl.
  3. New feature: Restore deleted files in File Library 📁

    You can now restore deleted files from the File Library.
  4. Before you start

    A few housekeeping details about our terms and conditions, privacy policy, and more.
  5. Blog style categories

    The blog style category displays articles in a similar way to a blog - reverse chronological order and paginated. Example: Release Notes The blog style category: Can only contain articles Does not display its articles in the table of contents...
  6. Style the letters at the top of the glossary

    Learn how to change the font color and style of the letter hyperlinks at the top of the Glossary page.
  7. New Settings > SSO, now with Custom SAML mapping rules!

    SSO configuration is now in its own Settings menu, and you can create custom rules to handle mapping values from your IdP to KnowledgeOwl. Plus a few other tweaks we hope you'll like. :)
  8. January 29th, 2019

    Bug fixes: In the embeddable widget, if the end-user opened an article and then navigated to a different article, the "Open in Full Site" link was not updating to the new article.  Google logins for both the application and the rea...
  9. September 12, 2019

    Feature Enhancements: Added a checkbox to the CSV export dropdown in manage to select / de-select all columns Added the ability to disable comments and feedback for custom content categories Bug Fixes: In Manage > Bulk Edit, selecting a re...
  10. Change the slideout Table of Contents' width (Minimalist Theme)

    The Minimalist theme uses a slideout Table of Contents, which is set to 360px by default. If you'd like to change the width of that Table of Contents: Go to Settings > Style . Below the preview pane, select Custom HTML . In the Custom ...